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453 |
1 For the hills, ridges and escarpment, the coefficient shall be adopted as follows: |
1 对于山峰和山坡,修正系数应按下列规定采用: |
454 |
1 For the isolated foundation under columns, when the punching shear failure cone falls within the foundation base, the punching shear capacity shall be checked at the joints of column and foundation and at the step of foundation; |
1 对柱下独立基础,当冲切破坏锥体落在基础底面以内时,应验算柱与基础交接处以及基础变阶处的受冲切承载力; |
455 |
1 For the main materials, members and accessories and equipment adopted in the works, acceptance for appearances, specifications, types and quality certification documents, etc.shall be performed by the contractor, and inspected and approved by the supervision engineer. |
1 工程采用的主要材料、构配件和设备,施工单位应对其外观、规格、型号和质量证明文件等进行验收,并经监理工程师检查认可。 |
456 |
1 For the medium values not listed in the table, they may be determined according to linear interpolation. Where the next target service life is less than 10a, ψa is taken according to 10a; |
1 对表中未列出的中间值,可按线性内插法确定,当下一目标使用年限小于10a,应按10a取ψa值; |
457 |
1 For the member whose surface is coated with the factory primer, in case of any re-rust or white zinc salt due to welding, flame calibration, insolation and scratch, it shall be repainted after the surface treatment according to the original coating requirements; |
1 表面涂有工厂底漆的构件,因焊接、火焰校正、曝晒和擦伤等造成重新锈蚀或附有白锌盐时,应经表面处理后再按原涂装规定进行补漆; |
458 |
1 For the overground part of the building, the natural daylighting section of the public area is greater than 30%; |
1 建筑地上部分,公共区域的天然采光面积比例大于30%; |
459 |
1 For the power equipment with no high-power impact load, the lighting and power should share the transformer. |
1 当电力设备无大功率冲击性负荷时,照明和电力宜共用变压器; |
460 |
1 For the professional wired conference system adopting serial connection mode, the connecting wire cable between microphones shall be firmly terminated; |
1 采用串联方式的专业有线会议系统,传声器之间的连接线缆应端接牢固; |
461 |
1 For the rails connected by the inserts, special tools shall be applied for making holes in the rails and installing inserts. |
1 采用塞钉方式与钢轨连接时,钢轨打眼和塞钉安装应使用专用工具操作。 |
462 |
1 For the residential buildings lower than 1 0 stories, when the floor area of any storey in the residential unit is larger than 650m2 or the distance of travel from any household door to the safety exit is larger than 15m, not less than two safety exits from each storey in that unit shall be provided. |
1 10层以下的住宅建筑,当住宅单元任一层的建筑面积大于650m2,或任一套房的户门至安全出口的距离大于15m时,该住宅单元每层的安全出口不应少于2个。 |