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4566 2 The design temperature of pipe material and tubing adopted for hot water system shall not be lower than 80℃; 2 热水系统所使用管材、管件的设计温度不应低于80℃;
4567 2 The design value for the bearing axial force of the steel frame (Na) and the design value for the bending moment (Ma) shall be calculated according to the following formulae: 2 钢构架承受的轴向力设计值Na和弯矩设计值Ma应按下列公式进行计算:
4568 2 The design value of a material property, fd, may be determined as follows: 2 材料性能的设计值fd可按下式确定:
4569 2 The design value of action effects of the quasi-permanent combination Sk shall be determined according to the following formula: 2 准永久组合的效应设计值Sk应按下式确定:
4570 2 The design value of effect for an accidental combination may be calculated as follows if the relationship between action and the effect of action are taken into account linearly: 2 当作用与作用效应按线性关系考虑时,偶然组合的效应设计值可按下式计算:
4571 2 The design value of effect of a combination of actions shall be the unfavorable value obtained from equation (8.2.4-2) and the following equation if the relationship between an action and an effect are taken into account linearly: 2 当作用与作用效应按线性关系考虑时,作用组合的效应设计值应按式(8.2.4-2)及下式中最不利值计算:
4572 2 The design value of effect of a seismic combination may also be determined according to a seismic action with return period larger or less than 475 years, and it shall be in accordance with those specified in the relevant codes for seismic design. 2 地震组合的效应设计值,也可根据重现期大于或小于475年的地震作用确定,其效应设计值应符合有关的抗震设计规范的规定。
4573 2 The design value of effect of characteristic combination shall be calculated as follows if the relationship between an action and the effect of action are taken into account linearly: 2 当作用与作用效应按线性关系考虑时,标准组合的效应设计值应按下式计算:
4574 2 The design value of the effect of basic combination may be calculated as follows if the relationship between an action and the effect of action are taken into account linearly: 2 当作用与作用效应按线性关系考虑时,基本组合的效应设计值可按下式计算:
4575 2 The design working life of special engineering structures may be otherwise specified. 2 特殊工程结构的设计使用年限可另行规定。