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4526 2 The common pipeline valve, electrical equipment and the components used for the overall adjustment and overhaul, except the manhole of the indoor drainage standpipe; 2 公共的管道阀门、电气设备和用于总体调节和检修的部件,户内排水立管检修口除外;
4527 2 The communication protocol, data transmission format and rate of the communication interface shall meet the design requirements; the communication interface shall be able to communicate normally; 2 通信接口的通信协议、数据传输格式、速率等应符合设计要求,并应能正常通信;
4528 2 The compaction coefficient of compacted fill below the grade level and above the foundation base shall not be less than 0.94. 2 地坪垫层以下及基础底面标高以上的压实填土,压实系数不应小于0.94。
4529 2 The comparatively percentage of moisture of small-sized hollow block of lightweight aggregate concrete with larger water absorption and autoclaved aerated concrete block should be 40% ~50%. 2 吸水率较大的轻骨料混凝土小型空心砌块、蒸压加气混凝土砌块的相对含水率宜为40%~50%。
4530 2 The competition area should be illuminated with high mast lighting. 2 场地宜采用灯杆照明。
4531 2 The compressive strength is the average value for a set of test specimens; when the difference of the maximum or minimum value of compressive strength to the average value in a set of test specimens exceeds 20%, the average value of the compressive strength of the other 4 test specimens shall be taken. 2 抗压强度为一组试块的平均值,当一组试块中抗压强度最大值或最小值与平均值相差超过20%时,应取中间4个试块强度的平均值。
4532 2 The compressive strength of specimen shall be the average value of the 6 specimens; if the difference between the maximum compressive strength or the minimum one and the average of the specimens in one group is greater than 20%, the average strength of the intermediate 4 specimens shall be taken. 2 试件抗压强度应取6个试件的平均值;当一组试件中抗压强度最大值或最小值与平均值相差超过20%时,应取中间4个试件强度的平均值。
4533 2 The concealedly-installed terminal lug panel shall tightly cling to the wall surface without gap around, and the terminal lug shall be installed uprightly and firmly; 2 暗装的终端盒面板应紧贴墙面,四周应无缝隙,安装应端正、牢固;
4534 2 The concrete strength grade of external reinforced concrete ring beam shall not be less than C20; two diagonal reinforcements of 12mm in diameter shall be arranged for ring beam at the corner. 2 外加钢筋混凝土圈梁的混凝土强度等级不应低于C20,圈梁在转角处应设2根直径为12mm的斜筋。
4535 2 The concrete strength of precast members as well as the type, specification and quantity of precast members and fittings shall be checked for the compliance with the design requirements; 2 应核对预制构件混凝土强度及预制构件和配件的型号、规格、数量等符合设计要求;