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4506 2 The cement grout shall be filtered by sieve mesh with a mesh size not larger than 1.2mm×1.2mm before use; 2 水泥浆使用前应经筛孔尺寸不大于1.2mm×1.2mm的筛网过滤;
4507 2 The cement, admixture and mineral admixtures shall be preheated in tent other than heated directly. 2 水泥、外加剂、矿物掺合料不得直接加热,应置于暖棚内预热。
4508 2 The change of each parameter in site shall be observed at the workstation and the status data shall be updated continuously; 2 在工作站上观察现场各项参数的变化、状态数据应不断被刷新;
4509 2 The character meaning of the name and number characters shall be consistent with as-built drawings. 2 名称及编号的字符意义应与竣工图示相符。
4510 2 The characteristic value of the transverse horizontal crane load shall be adopted as the percentages of the sum of the moving crane weight and the specified lifting capacity, and it shall be multiplied by the acceleration of gravity. The percentages for characteristic value of transverse horizontal load of cranes are listed in Table 6.1.2. 2 吊车横向水平荷载标准值,应取横行小车重量与额定起重量之和的百分数,并应乘以重力加速度,吊车横向水平荷载标准值的百分数应按表6.1.2采用。
4511 2 The characteristic value, Qk, of a variable action may be determined by the statistical characteristics of the maximum value probability distribution of variable action in the design reference period, T. Typically, the mean, the median, the mode, and the fractile, as follows, of specified probability, p, may be used: 2 可变作用的标准值Qk可由可变作用在设计基准期T内最大值概率分布的统计特征值确定,最常用的统计特征值有平均值、中值和众值,也可采用其他的指定概率p的分位值,即:
4512 2 The characteristic value, combination value, frequent value or quasi-permanent value shall be adopted as the representative value of variable load in accordance with the requirements of design. 2 对可变荷载应根据设计要求采用标准值、组合值、频遇值或准永久值作为代表值;
4513 2 The chief supervision engineer (project leader of the client), shall organize the project leader, technical leader and quality leader of the contractor to carry out the acceptance for divisional works. 2 分部工程应由总监理工程师(建设单位项目负责人)组织施工单位项目负责人和技术、质量负责人等进行验收。
4514 2 The chloride ion content in concrete fine aggregate, for reinforced concrete, shall not be larger than 0.06% in the calculation according to the mass fraction of dry sand; for prestressed concrete, it shall not be larger than 0.02%, in the calculation according to the mass fraction of dry sand; 2 混凝土细骨料中氯离子含量,对钢筋混凝土,按干砂的质量百分率计算不得大于0.06%;对预应力混凝土,按干砂的质量百分率计算不得大于0.02%;
4515 2 The circuit of the telephone communication system shall be pre-buried in the dwelling unit. 2 电话通信系统的线路应预埋到住宅套内。