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4466 2 The anchors must not be installed outdoors on rainy and snowy days. 2 严禁在雨雪天气进行露天作业。
4467 2 The annual flushing days shall be determined according to the local conditions. 2 每年浇洒天数按当地情况确定。
4468 2 The antennas shall move longitudinally along the brackets without blocking of barriers. 2 天线应沿支架方向纵向移动,并无障碍物阻挡。
4469 2 The anti-overturning stability shall be checked according to the following formula (Figure 6.7.5-2): 2 抗倾覆稳定性应按下列公式进行验算(图6.7.5-2):
4470 2 The anti-static construction of the ground and movable floor slab in the machine room shall meet the requirements of Section 23.2 in the current professional standard JGJ 16-2008 Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings; 2 机房内的地面、活动地板的防静电施工应符合现行行业标准《民用建筑电气设计规范》JGJ 16-2008第23.2节的要求;
4471 2 The aperture area of direct natural ventilation in the kitchen shall not be less than 1/10 of the ground area of the room and shall not be less than 0.60m2; where the kitchen is arranged with outdoor balcony, the aperture area of natural ventilation in the balcony shall not be less than 1/10 of the sum of the area of the ground area in the kitchen and the balcony and shall not be less than 0.60m2. 2 厨房的直接自然通风开口面积不应小于该房间地板面积的1/10,并不得小于0.60m2;当厨房外设置阳台时,阳台的自然通风开口面积不应小于厨房和阳台地板面积总和的1/10,并不得小于0.60m2。
4472 2 The appearance, specification, model, quantity, place of origin etc. . of the materials and equipment shall be inspected rechecked; 2 应对材料、设备的外观、规格、型号、数量及产地等进行检查复核;
4473 2 The area shall not be less than 4.00m2; 2 面积不应小于4.00m2;
4474 2 The arrangement of hydrants at stations shall guarantee that any part within each floor of a fire zone can be reached simultaneously by the solid streams from two water guns, which shall not be shorter than 10m. 2 车站消火栓的布置应保证每一个防火分区同层有两只水枪的充实水柱同时到达任何部位,水枪的充实水柱不应小于10m。
4475 2 The arrangement of wheelchair ramp shall avoid interference on pedestrian passage and use of other facilities. 2 轮椅坡道的设置应避免干扰行人通行及其他设施的使用。