ID 原文 译文
4446 2 Terms and Symbols 2 术语和符号
4447 2 Terms were added; 2.增加了术语;
4448 2 Test method (bending strength test method excluded) for the physical and mechanical properties of partition plates shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current professional standard GB/T 23451 Light Weight Panels for Partition Wall Used in Building. 2 各类隔墙板材的物理力学性能试验方法(除抗折强度试验方法外)应按现行行业标准《建筑用轻质隔墙条板》GB/T 23451的有关规定执行。
4449 2 The 5th day to 7th day: at least once for every 8h; 2 第五天至第七天,每8h不应少于一次;
4450 2 The LED lighting system should have the function of dimming control; 2 采用LED灯的照明系统宜具备调光控制功能;
4451 2 The acceleration of wind induced vibration for tall buildings may be calculated in accordance with Appendix J of this code. 2 高层建筑顺风向风振加速度可按本规范附录J计算。
4452 2 The acceptance of sub-subsection project shall be carried out by the construction organization's project director, technical director, safety director and quality controller organized by the general supervision engineer; it shall also be participated in by the engineering project leader from the design unit of this strengthening project as well as the department leader of the construction organization; 2 子分部工程应由总监理工程师组织施工单位项目负责人和技术、安全、质量负责人进行验收;该加固项目设计单位工程项目负责人及施工单位部门负责人也应参加;
4453 2 The accuracy or speed of the action is not important; 2 作用精度或速度无关紧要;
4454 2 The acting area of impact load should include the whole designated landing area and the adjacent roof structure extended to distance of 7m from the edge of landing area. 2 竖向撞击力的作用范围宜包括停机坪内任何区域以及停机坪边缘线7m之内的屋顶结构。
4455 2 The action and action effect shall be determined according to the specification in the national current standards, and the following parameters or analysis methods may be adjusted: 2 作用和作用效应按国家现行标准的规定确定,并可进行下列参数或分析方法的调整: