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4416 2 Steel truss (roof truss) shall be free from deformation in the process of pulling and hoisting; 2 钢桁架(屋架)应在起扳和吊装过程中防止产生变形;
4417 2 Step shall be non-slip; 2 踏步应防滑;
4418 2 Step width of stairway in public buildings shall not be less than 280mm and step height shall not be greater than 160mm; 2 公共建筑楼梯的踏步宽度不应小于280mm,踏步高度不应大于160mm;
4419 2 Stirrup space: ±20mm; 2 箍筋间距:±20mm;
4420 2 Stone powder, floating soil in holes and loosen stone on hole wall shall be removed; 2 孔洞中的石粉、浮土及孔壁松散的活石应清除干净;
4421 2 Straight tubular fluorescent lamps shall use energy-conserving electronic ballasts which can work normally at low temperature. 2 直管型荧光灯应选用寒冷条件下能够正常工作的节能型电子镇流器。
4422 2 Strength grade shall not be less than C20; 2强度等级不应小于C20;
4423 2 Sub-work evaluation score is W=∑stage evaluation score Weight coefficient. 2 单位工程评价得分w=∑阶段评价得分G×权重系数。
4424 2 Such primary members as rigid frame column, beam and brace shall be subjected to correction immediately after erection. 2 刚架柱、梁、支撑等主要构件安装就位后,应立即校正。
4425 2 Supply water temperature shall beregulated according to outdoor temperature; 2 供水温度应能根据室外温度进行调节;