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4406 2 Specification, designation, thickness and coverage of the base material; 2 母材的规格、牌号、厚度及覆盖范围;
4407 2 Specification, quantity, position, and securing condition of sandwich thermal insulation and connection of composite wallboard; 2 复合墙板夹芯保温层和连接件的规格、数量、位置及固定情况;
4408 2 Specification, quantity, position, shape and connecting of duct, as well as grouting hole, vent and bleeding hole; 2 成孔管道的规格、数量、位置、形状、连接以及灌浆孔、排气兼泌水孔;
4409 2 Specification, size, quantity, position of reinforced bar and embedded parts, base profile size, thickness of concrete protection layer and casting quality in cast-in-situ foundation; 2 现浇基础中钢筋和预埋件的规格、尺寸、数量、位置、底座断面尺寸、混凝土的保护层厚度及浇筑质量;
4410 2 Splice connecting region shall be 35d in length and shall not be less than 500mm, where d is the smaller diameter of the two interconnected steel bars. 2 接头连接区段的长度为35d,且不应小于500mm,凡接头中点位于该连接区段长度内的接头均应属于同一连接区段;
4411 2 Square ground and pedestrian passageway ground in building site shall be flat, smooth, non-slip, and free from accumulated water; 2 建筑基地的广场和人行通道的地面应平整、防滑、不积水;
4412 2 Stability checking of retaining system for excavation; 2 基坑支护体系的稳定性验算;
4413 2 Steam thermal load is greater than 70% in the total thermal load that does not exceed 1.4MW. 2 蒸汽热负荷在总热负荷中的比例大于70%且总热负荷不大于1.4MW。
4414 2 Steel bands, aluminum sheaths and inner shield sheaths of cables shall be connected. 2 电缆的钢带、铝护套、内屏蔽护套应连通。
4415 2 Steel tie rod may not be arranged for bay without transverse wall, but the external ring beam shall be reliably connected with beam along the depth direction or the cast-in-place reinforced concrete floor. 2 无横墙的开间可不设钢拉杆,但外加圈梁应与进深方向梁或现浇钢筋混凝土楼盖可靠连接。