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4386 2 Signal posts shall be installed vertically to the ground with an inclination of no more than 36mm at the high location of 4500 mm away from the top surface of the associated tracks. 2 机柱应垂直于地面安装,在距离钢轨顶面4500mm高处,其倾斜量不应大于36mm。
4387 2 Signpost, position & guide map and park sign shall be arranged for the system; 2 应设置系统的指路牌、定位导览图、景区景点和园中园说明牌;
4388 2 Simple-supported Z-shaped purlin 2 简支Z形檩条
4389 2 Simulating the stop state of server and workstation, the field control unit shall be able to work normally; 2 模拟制造服务器、工作站停机状态下,现场控制器应能正常工作;
4390 2 Simulating the water level raising or lowering, the liquid level switch shall actuate normally and shall be able to be linked to the start or stop of water pump according to the control processing. 2 模拟提高水位或降低水位、液位开关正常动作,并应能按照控制工艺联动水泵启动或停止。
4391 2 Single, double or multiple sampling scheme; 2 一次、二次或多次抽样方案;
4392 2 Single-machine debugging shall be carried out over display equipment of the system to make each display screen achieve correct luminance and color display; 2 对系统的显示设备进行单机调试,使各显示屏应达到正确的亮度、色彩显示;
4393 2 Single-side fillet weld may only be used for the non-open-air structural member bearing static load and indirectly bearing dynamic load and have to be away from high corrosion medium; 2 单面角焊缝仅可用于承受静力荷载和间接承受动力荷载的、非露天和不接触强腐蚀介质的结构构件;
4394 2 Size grading, clay content, clay lump content, content of elongated flaky particle of coarse aggregate shall be inspected and the crush index may be inspected when necessary; size grading, clay content and clay lump content of fine aggregate shall be inspected. Alkali reactivity of aggregates shall be inspected when there are requirements in design document or the structure is in the environment prone to alkaline-aggregate reaction. 2 应对粗骨料的颗粒级配、含泥量、泥块含量、针片状含量指标进行检验,压碎指标可根据工程需要进行检验,应对细骨料颗粒级配、含泥量、泥块含量指标进行检验。当设计文件有要求或结构处于易发生碱骨料反应环境中时,应对骨料进行碱活性检验。
4395 2 Size of drilled hole: 2 成孔尺寸: