ID 原文 译文
4286 2 Phase marks of tension type tower, transposition type tower and towers neighboring transposition type tower; 2 耐张型、换位型铁塔及换位塔前后相邻的各一基铁塔的相位标志;
4287 2 Pillar and base profile size: -1%; 2 立柱及各底座断面尺寸:-1%;
4288 2 Plane structure: 2 对平面结构:
4289 2 Planeness and perpendicularity of the milling surface shall be controlled according to the relevant requirements of the design document and the current national standard GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures. 2 应按设计文件及现行国家标准《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50205的有关规定,控制铣平面的平面度和垂直度。
4290 2 Planning and building design documents; 2 规划与建筑设计文件;
4291 2 Plastic membrane shall cling to the exposed surface of concrete; condensation water shall be maintained in plastic membrane; 2 塑料薄膜应紧贴混凝土裸露表面,塑料薄膜内应保持有凝结水;
4292 2 Platform area, airfield area, landing area and terminator should be illuminated with high mast lighting. 2 跳台区、飞行区、着陆区及终止区宜采用高杆照明;
4293 2 Playback mode. 2 回放模式。
4294 2 Plus and minus signs in this table respectively represents that the wind force is oriented toward and away from the plate surface. 2表中正号和负号分别表示风力朝向板面和离开板面。
4295 2 Pointing joints and pressure-joints shall be filled with the cement with same variety, strength grade and color. In addition, these joints shall be cured and protected. 2 勾缝和压缝应采用同品种、同强度等级、同颜色的水泥,并做养护和保护。