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4206 2 Loading by jack may be applicable for concentrated load test. 2 千斤顶加载可用于集中加载试验。
4207 2 Loads and the effects calculation on the forms and their supports; 2 模板及支架上的荷载及其效应计算;
4208 2 Long-foundation angle steel shall be vertical to the straight stock rails of the single turnout or the center line of symmetrical turnout, with a deviation of no more than 20mm. 2 长基础角钢与单开道岔直股基本轨或对称形道岔中心线垂直,其偏移量不得大于20mm。
4209 2 Long-term water immersion or chemical erosion environment; 2 长期浸水或化学侵蚀环境;
4210 2 Longitudinal crack number shall not exceed 1 and longitudinal cracks shall not be wider than 0.2mm or not longer than 1000mm; and the concrete surfaces shall be free from peeling. 2 纵向裂缝不应超过1条,裂缝宽度应在0.2mm以内,长度应小于1000mm,混凝土面应无剥落现象。
4211 2 Longitudinal emergency evacuation platforms shall be arranged at the elevated sections of the straddle-type monorail system and the maglev system. 2 对跨座式单轨及磁浮系统的高架区间,应设置纵向应急疏散平台。
4212 2 Longitudinal spacing of upright tubes and transverse spacing of upright tubes shall not be greater than 1.2m; lift height of supports shall not be greater than 1.8m; 2 立杆纵距、横距不应大于1.2m,支架步距不应大于1.8m;
4213 2 Longitudinal spacing of upright tubes and transverse spacing of upright tubes shall not be greater than 1.5m; lift height of supports shall not be greater than 2.0m. Bottom reinforcing tubes should be arranged on the longitudinal and transverse directions of upright tubes. 2 立杆纵距、立杆横距不应大于1.5m,
4214 2 Longitudinal wind load coefficient of main frame shall be adopted according to those specified in Table 4.2.2-2 (Figures 4.2.2-2a, 4.2.2-2b and 4.2.2-2c); 2 主刚架的纵向风荷载系数,应按表4.2.2-2 的规定采用(图4.2.2-2a、图4.2.2-2b、图4.2.2-2c);
4215 2 Low glossness surface decorative materials may be used; 2 可采用低光泽度的表面装饰材料;