ID 原文 译文
4146 2 Individual gaps between door Ieafs, door leaf and door jamb, door leaf and door head, door leaf and car wall at door entrance, door leaf bottom end and landing sill shall be basically the same in terms of their over whole length; 2 门扇与门扇、门扇与门套、门扇与门楣、门扇与门口处轿壁、门扇下端与地坎之间各自的间隙在整个长度上应基本一致;
4147 2 Industrial wastes with stable properties, such as slag and cinder etc.; 2 性能稳定的矿渣、煤渣等工业废料;
4148 2 Infectious disease hospitals and tuberculosis hospitals are excluded. 2 不包括传染病医院、结核病医院建筑。
4149 2 Initial curing temperature of concrete shall not be lower than the temperature in employment of antifreezing agent; 2 混凝土的初期养护温度,不得低于防冻剂的规定温度;
4150 2 Inspection depth for uniformity of treated ground shall not be less than the design treatment depth. 2 处理地基的均匀性检验深度不应小于设计处理深度。
4151 2 Inspection report on compressive strength of mixture by sampling on site. 2 拌制混合料现场取样作抗压强度检验的检验报告。
4152 2 Installation and commissioning manuals and technical parameter documents of the software and hardware products shall be available; 2 应具备软硬件产品的安装调试手册和技术参数文件;
4153 2 Installation of grout nipple shall meet the following requirements: 2 灌浆嘴安装应符合下列规定:
4154 2 Installation of the steel floor slab and profiled metal plate shall be synchronous to the hoisting progress of the member; 2 钢楼板及压型金属板安装应与构件吊装进度同步;
4155 2 Installation time and sequence of the steel plate shear wall shall meet the requirements of the design document. 2 钢板剪力墙的安装时间和顺序应符合设计文件要求。