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4136 |
2 In the area of gutters on roofs, for which the distribution width is not greater than 3m, 1.4 should be taken. |
2 在天沟处不大于3.0m的分布宽度内取1.4。 |
4137 |
2 In the car park, no car repair places and no rooms where combustibles and ex-plosives are used and stored shall be provided. |
2 库内不应设置修理车位,并不应设置使用或存放易燃、易爆物品的房间。 |
4138 |
2 In the design of roof truss or arched shell structure, the snow load of most unfavorable case of full-span uniform distribution condition, non-uniform distribution condition and the half-span uniform distribution shall be adopted, respectively. |
2 屋架和拱壳应分别按全跨积雪的均匀分布、不均匀分布和半跨积雪的均匀分布按最不利情况采用; |
4139 |
2 In the item No. 6, when the height of bookcase is greater than 2m, the live load of storehouse for books shall be determined according to the height of bookcase and the live load per meter in height shall not be less than 2.5kN/m2. |
2 第6项书库活荷载当书架高度大于2m时,书库活荷载尚应按每米书架高度不小于2.5kN/m2确定; |
4140 |
2 In the procedure of grouts application, trial grouting shall be added for grout used for the first time; where grouting by segments, it shall also add the operation of blocking grout hole and vent hole rapidly. |
2 在灌浆施工的工序中,对第一次使用的灌浆料,应增加试灌的作业;当分段灌注时,尚应增加快速封堵灌浆孔和排气孔的作业。 |
4141 |
2 In the process of filling, the board joints shall be clean and damp. |
2 填嵌时,板缝内应清理干净,保持湿润。 |
4142 |
2 In the south, south by west 30° to south by east 30°; |
2 南向应为南偏西30°至南偏东30°; |
4143 |
2 In the trial mix, sand ratio and amount of admixtures are adjusted for concrete mix in order to meet requirements for workability and the trial mix proportioning is then proposed; |
2 进行试拌,并调整砂率和外加剂掺量等使拌合物满足工作性要求,提出试拌配合比; |
4144 |
2 In this table, except those marked with characteristic values of the strength, other performance indexes are average values. |
2 表中的性能指标除标有强度标准值外,均为平均值。 |
4145 |
2 In-situ concrete should be mixed by equipments with automatic gauging devices in centralized way; |
2 现场搅拌混凝土宜采用具有自动计量装置的设备集中搅拌; |