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4116 2 Improving the comfort degree of the integrated environment and reducing energy consumption by optimizing the operation of ventilation and air conditioning equipments. 2 控制通风、空调设备优化运行,提高整体环境的舒适度及降低能源消耗。
4117 2 In addition to confirm installation quality of work in final acceptance, the following contents shall be involved: 2 竣工验收除确认工程本体的安装质量外,尚应包括以下内容:
4118 2 In any ease, the bearing steel bars shall not be recycled steel bars or the steel bars with uncertain steel grade. 2 对受力钢筋,在任何情况下,均不得采用再生钢筋和钢号不明的钢筋。
4119 2 In calculation of retaining plate, the unloading arch effect of soil mass between two stand columns which support the plate may be considered in the taking of value of loading on retaining plate. 2 挡板计算时,其荷载的取值可考虑支承挡板的两立柱间土体的卸荷拱作用;
4120 2 In case of any coating damage and welding burn in the process of transportation and installation, it shall be repainted according to the original coating requirements. 2 运输、安装过程的涂层碰损、焊接烧伤等,应根据原涂装规定进行补涂。
4121 2 In case of excessive concavity of weld or crater, undersize welds, undercutting, additional weld should be conducted; 2 焊缝凹陷、弧坑、咬边或焊缝尺寸不足等缺陷应进行补焊;
4122 2 In case of incomplete switching of the turnout switch rail or being blocked in the course of switching due to fault, the motor of the electric switch machine shall overcome frictional connection force to slip; the overflow valve of the electro-hydraulic switch machine shall open for oil drainage. 2 道岔尖轨因故不能转换或转换中途受阻时,电动转辙机应使电机克服摩擦连接力空转;电液转辙机应打开溢流阀排油。
4123 2 In case the inspection result of precast members does not meet the requirements of Item 1 but meets the requirements of the second inspection, two precast members may be taken and inspected again. 2 当预制构件的检验结果不满足第1款的要求,但又能满足第二次检验指标要求时,可再抽两个预制构件进行二次检验。
4124 2 In emergency circumstances, the stations may immediately acquire the emergency station control power without the approval by the control center. 2 在紧急情况下,车站可不经中心同意立即获得紧急站控权等。
4125 2 In front of the reception of antenna, there shall be no shelter; 2 在天线收视的前方应无遮挡;