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4096 |
2 If a TT system is adopted, every power distribution box shall be equipped with an earth electrode and the operating characteristic of the earth fault protection shall comply with the provisions in the formula below: |
2 当采用TT系统时,每个配电箱处应设接地极;接地故障保护的动作特性应符合下式规定: |
4097 |
2 If conductor damage is more than slight scrape, but damage extent at one place is not over 8.5% of design calculation breaking force, and damaged cross section area is not over 12.5% of that of conducting portion, such is middle level damage. |
2 当导线损伤已超过轻微损伤,但在同一处损伤的强度损失尚不超过设计计算拉断力的8.5%,且损伤截面积不超过导电部分截面积的12.5%时为中度损伤。 |
4098 |
2 If economic and technology condition is rational, shallow geothermal energy, solar energy, wind energy and other renewable energy is suggested to be used as heating and cooling source. |
2 在技术经济合理的情况下,冷、热源宜利用浅层地能、太阳能、风能等可再生能源。 |
4099 |
2 If height difference between main square and its connected ground or pavement in residential green space is less than 300mm, all the entrances shall be accessible; if the height difference is greater than 300mm and entrances are less than 3, all the entrances shall be accessible, if the entrances are three or more than three, at least two accessible entrances shall be arranged; |
2 居住绿地内主要活动广场与相接的地面或路面高差小于300mm时,所有出入口均应为无障碍出入口;高差大于300mm时,当出入口少于3个,所有出入口均应为无障碍出入口,当出入口为3个或3个以上,应至少设置2个无障碍出入口; |
4100 |
2 If necessary, the ground deformation during the construction period and the service period of the building shall be estimated in advance respectively, for the purpose of reserving the clearance between relevant parts of the building and selecting the connection method and construction sequence. |
2 在必要情况下,需要分别预估建筑物在施工期间和使用期间的地基变形值,以便预留建筑物有关部分之间的净空,选择连接方法和施工顺序。 |
4101 |
2 If obvious displacement and slope appear which may lead to danger; |
2 冰雪景观建筑出现明显位移或倾斜,存在安全隐患时; |
4102 |
2 If only the indexes of Grade A adhesives are given in the above table, it is indicated that the Grade B adhesives shall not be used for this purpose; |
2 当表中仅给出A级胶的指标时,表明该用途不允许使用B级胶; |
4103 |
2 If shunting of the rail is provided with the shunting wires of standard shunting sensitivity resistance in any places in the sections with track circuits, the intensity (voltage and current) of the signal received by the track circuit shall be less than the maximum reliable de-energized (released) value required by receiving equipment. |
2 在轨道电路区段内任何地点用标准分路灵敏电阻分路导线对钢轨进行分路时,轨道电路接收到的信号强度(电压和电流)应低于接收设备要求的最大可靠落下(释放)值。 |
4104 |
2 If the color light signal lights up normally, the main filament shall be illuminated. |
2 色灯信号机正常点灯时,应点亮主灯丝。 |
4105 |
2 If the concrete structure members require strengthening, the repairing adhesive for concrete crack (injection) shall be adopted and its technical properties shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 4.4.6 of this code. |
2 当混凝土构件有补强要求时,应采用裂缝修补胶(注射剂),其工艺性能应符合本规范表4.4.6的要求。 |