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3986 2 For pre-cambered members, prestressing tendons or duct-forming pipes should be cambered along with members. 2 凡施工时需要预先起拱的构件,预应力筋或成孔管道宜随构件同时起拱。
3987 2 For professional games, the horizontal ratio of the minimum to the maximum illuminance of the field shall not be less than 0.5, and the ratio of the minimum to the average shall not be less than 0.7. 2 专业比赛时,场地水平照度最小值与最大值之比不应小于0.5,最小值与平均值之比不应小于0.7。
3988 2 For purlin without flange hemming 2 对于翼缘无卷边的檩条
3989 2 For rafter of gabled frame, full span is adopted for L; 2 对门式刚架斜梁,L取全跨;
3990 2 For regions such as eave, canopy, sun-shading board and all bulgy decorations, μsl may be-2.0. 2 檐口、雨篷、遮阳板、边棱处的装饰条等突出构件,取-2.0;
3991 2 For reinforcement and embedded parts: 2 钢筋及预埋件:
3992 2 For residential buildings designed with central fresh air systems, the cooling and heat recovery device shall be arranged between the fresh air system and the air exhaust system, and the exhaust air volume involved in heat recovery shall not be less than 20% of the central fresh air volume. 2 设计有集中新风系统的居住建筑,在新风系统与排风系统之间设冷、热量回收装置,其参与热回收的排风量不少于集中新风量的20%。
3993 2 For residential buildings designed with central fresh air systems, the cooling and heat recovery devices shall be arranged between the fresh air system and the air exhaust system, and the exhaust air volume involved in heat recovery shall not be less than 40% of the central fresh air volume. 2 设计有集中新风系统的居住建筑,在新风系统与排风系统之间设冷、热量回收装置,其参与热回收的排风量不少于集中新风量的40%。
3994 2 For rock anchor used for retaining, the diameter of anchor hole should not be less than 100mm; for rock anchor used for protection, the diameter may be less than 100mm but shall not be less than 60mm. 2 作支护用的岩石锚杆,锚杆孔径不宜小于100mm;作防护用的锚杆,其孔径可小于100mm,但不应小于60mm。
3995 2 For sandy soil or gravel soil with filled by sandy soil, the allowable gradient of slope is determined according to natural angle of repose. 2 对于砂土或充填物为砂土的碎石土,其边坡坡度允许值均按自然休止角确定。