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3976 2 For live loads characteristic values are limited or can be expected, shall be 1.0. 2 对于荷载标准值可控制的活荷载,设计使用年限调整系数γL取1.0。
3977 2 For machine room and pulley room lighting; 2 机房和滑轮间照明;
3978 2 For marshalling rolling stocks that operate underground, run-through shall be achieved between the vehicles; where longitudinal evacuation platforms are not arranged, both ends of the train shall be equipped with emergency evacuation conditions and corresponding facilities. 2 地下运行的编组列车,各车辆之间应贯通;当不设置纵向疏散平台时,列车两端应有应急疏散条件和相应设施。
3979 2 For mass concrete with higher temperature control requirements, the amount and type of cementitious materials should be determined by hydration heat and adiabatic temperature rise tests; 2 温度控制要求较高的大体积混凝土,其胶凝材料用量、品种等宜通过水化热和绝热温升试验确定;
3980 2 For members taking primarily axial force, simplified calculation for Sd may be carried out according to the following formula: 2 对于轴向受力为主的构件,Sd简化计算可按下式进行:
3981 2 For normally consolidated saturated clay, triaxial unconsolidated undrained shear strength index of the soil preconsolidated under its deadweight effective stress shall be adopted; when the speed of excavation is relatively slow, the drainage condition is good and the soil is possible to be consolidated, the triaxial consolidated undrained shear strength index may be adopted; 2 对正常固结的饱和黏性土应采用在土的有效自重应力下预固结的三轴不固结不排水抗剪强度指标;当施工挖土速度较慢,排水条件好,土体有条件固结时,可采用三轴固结不排水抗剪强度指标;
3982 2 For other complex situations of tall buildings, it may be determined based on the references from wind tunnel test with similar conditions, and should be determined by wind tunnel test if necessary. 2 其他情况可比照类似条件的风洞试验资料确定,必要时宜通过风洞试验确定。
3983 2 For places where stroboscopic effects are limited, high frequency electronic ballasts shall be used. 2 对频闪效应有限制的场合,应采用高频电子镇流器;
3984 2 For power equipment with high power impact load, lighting should be separated with the load by different transformers. In condition of sharing the same transformer with high power impact load, the lighting shall be powered by a special feeder. 2 当电力设备有大功率冲击性负荷时,照明宜与冲击性负荷接自不同变压器;当需接自同一变压器时,照明应由专用馈电线供电;
3985 2 For power supply lines laid in the trench, the cable(s) shall be adopted. 2 电源线在地沟内布设时,应采用电缆。