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3956 2 For elements and components whose tributary area is larger than 25.0 m2, take 0.8 for walls, take 0.6 for roofs where the absolute value of μs1 is greater than 1.0, and take1.0 for roofs where the absolute value of μs1 is not greater than 1.0. 2 当从属面积大于或等于25m2时,对墙面折减系数取0.8,对局部体型系数绝对值大于1.0的屋面区域折减系数取0.6,对其他屋面区域折减系数取1.0;
3957 2 For entrance arranged with steps and wheelchair ramp, gradient of wheelchair ramp shall meet the relevant requirements of Section 3.4 of this code. 2 同时设置台阶和轮椅坡道的出入口,轮椅坡道的坡度应符合本规范第3.4节的有关规定。
3958 2 For excavation engineering with Grade-A and Grade-B design grade, the deformation calculation of soil mass inside and outside the foundation pit caused by excavation and dewatering shall be carried out; 2 设计等级为甲级、乙级的基坑工程,应进行因土方开挖、降水引起的基坑内外土体的变形计算;
3959 2 For flexible-wire suspended lamp with a mass of greater than 0.5kg, lifting chain (rope) shall be added; 2 质量大于0.5kg的软线吊灯,应增设吊链(绳);
3960 2 For fully or partially enclosed wells, well isolation protection, well wall, bottom surface of and ceiling plate of pit shall have enough strength required to install elevator components, and built with materials nonflammable and insusceptible to generate dust. 2 全封闭或部分封闭的井道,井道的隔离保护、井道壁、底坑底面和顶板应具有安装电梯部件所需要的足够强度,应采用非燃烧材料建造,且应不易产生灰尘。
3961 2 For general lighting of shop, it should use three-color fluorescent tube and low-power ceramic metal halide luminaire. Low-power ceramic metal halide luminaire and LED luminaire for accent lighting is recommended. 2 商店营业厅的一般照明宜采用细管直管形三基色荧光灯、小功率陶瓷金属卤化物灯;重点照明宜采用小功率陶瓷金属卤化物灯、发光二极管灯;
3962 2 For general straight-line tower foundation, take a set of test block every 5 foundation units or less than 5 foundation units by a construction team. For single unit of concrete or continuous concrete casting volume over 100m3, take one set of test block. 2 一般直线塔基础,同一施工队每5基或不满5基应取一组,单基或连续浇筑混凝土量超过100mm3时亦应取一组;
3963 2 For general structure members, modified epoxide polymer, modified acrylate copolymer emulsion, styrene butadiene latex or neoprene latex may be adopted for the preparation; high strength mineral admixture shall be adopted for the preparation of composite cement mortar. 2 对一般构件,可采用改性环氧类聚合物、改性丙烯酸酯共聚物乳液、丁苯胶乳或氯丁胶乳配制;复合水泥砂浆应采用高强矿物掺合料配制。
3964 2 For general structures under normal temperature and humidity, meshes manufactured from low carbon steel galvanized wire rope may be adopted; however, effective anti-corrosion measures shall be taken. 2 处于正常温、湿度环境中的一般结构,可采用低碳钢镀锌钢丝绳制作的网片,但应采取有效的阻锈措施。
3965 2 For gravelly soil, the coefficient may be determined according to its compaction degree, condition of filling material, degree of weathering, etc. . 2 对碎石土,可根据其密实程度、填充物状况、风化程度等确定。