ID 原文 译文
3896 2 Each party participating in the construction quality acceptance of strengthening engineering shall have the specified qualifications; 2 参与加固工程施工质量验收的各方人员应具备规定的资格;
3897 2 Each sub-action shall multiply by the partial factor of the unfavorable action for action of the same source if the resultant action is unfavorable to the load carrying capacity of the structure; 2 同一来源的作用,当总的作用效应对结构承载能力不利时,分作用均乘以不利作用的分项系数;
3898 2 Earth excavation and transportation; 2 土方开挖及外运;
3899 2 Earth pressure; 2 土压力;
3900 2 Edge protection should be arranged below the rails; 2 在栏杆下方宜设置安全阻挡措施;
3901 2 Effective ventilationand air change area of external window of Category B public buildings is not suggested to be less than 30% of the window area. 2 乙类公共建筑外窗有效通风换气面积不宜小于窗面积的30%。
3902 2 Either the far-end of frame beam is simple-supported or is leaning stanchion, s stated in A. 0.3 of this Code shall be the length of full-span beam; 2 当刚架梁远端简支,或刚架梁的远端是摇摆柱时,本规范第A.0.3条中的s应为全跨的梁长;
3903 2 Electrodes, welding flux and porcelain ring of the stud shall be baked according to the requirements of the product instruction prior to use. 2 焊条、焊剂及栓钉瓷环在使用前,应按产品说明书的要求进行焙烘。
3904 2 Elevator installation projects that are still disqualified by the above-mentioned measures shall never be accepted as certified. 2 通过以上措施仍不能达到本规范要求的电梯安装工程,不得验收合格。
3905 2 Emergency lighting shall be installed when normal lighting power fails in the following places: 2 当下列场所正常照明电源失效时,应设置应急照明: