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3876 2 Documents for configuration scheme, configuration description and inspection record of application software shall be complete; 2 应用软件的配置方案、配置说明、检验记录应文档齐全;
3877 2 Drilled hole verticality allowance deviation: <="" p="" style="box-sizing: border-box; "> 2 孔垂直度允许偏差:<桩长1%;
3878 2 During construction of normal concrete small-sized hollow blocks, concrete perforated bricks, concrete solid bricks and autoclaved aerated concrete blocks with thin ash masonry method, they shall not be watered; 2 普通混凝土小型空心砌块、混凝土多孔砖、混凝土实心砖及采用薄灰砌筑法的蒸压加气混凝土砌块施工时,不应对其浇水湿润;
3879 2 During laying, the carpet surface should be stretched properly, and the periphery shall be fixed by blocking strip; the part on doorway shall be fixed with metal bead or double sticky tape; 2 铺设时,地毯的表面层宜张拉适度,四周应采用卡条固定;门口处宜用金属压条或双面胶带等固定;
3880 2 During raised seam pointing, the mortar seam shall be flatted with mortar first, and the second layer of mortar shall be coated after initial condensation; after compaction, it shall be stroked into raised seam with width of 40mm; 2 勾凸缝时,应先用砂浆将灰缝补平,待初凝后再抹第二层砂浆,压实后应将其捋成宽度为40mm的凸缝;
3881 2 During system debugging, the working state and operating log of the software shall be recorded and inspected in time, and errors shall be able to be corrected; 2 系统调试中,应及时记录并检查软件的工作状态和运行日志,并应能修改错误;
3882 2 During the calculation of dead weight of ice masonries, conversion to gravity density (kN/m3) shallbe conducted according to the values in Table 3.2.1; 2 计算雪体自重时,应将本标准表3.2.1的取值换算为重力密度(kN/m3);
3883 2 During the covering curing or curing with forms, the difference between temperature of the position at 40mm~100mm below concrete surface and temperature at concrete surface shall not be greater than 25℃ . After the covering curing or forms removal, the difference between temperature of the position at 40mm~100mm below concrete surface and ambient temperature shall not be greater than 25℃. 2 在覆盖养护或带模养护阶段,混凝土浇筑体表面以内40mm~100mm位置处的温度与混凝土浇筑体表面温度差值不应大于25℃;结束覆盖养护或拆模后,混凝土浇筑体表面以内40mm~100mm位置处的温度与环境温度差值不应大于25℃。
3884 2 During the installation of the high strength heavy-hexagon head bolt, the side of the lower bolt head washer with chamfering shall face towards bolt head and the side of the nut with truncated cone shall face toward the side of the washer with chamfering. 2 大六角头高强度螺栓安装时,螺栓头下垫圈有倒角的一侧应朝向螺栓头,螺母带圆台面的一侧应朝向垫圈有倒角的一侧。
3885 2 During the lifetime, the deviation between the chromaticity coordinates and its initial value of the LED luminaire shall not exceed 0.007 in the standard GB/T 7921-2008 Uniform color space and color difference formula CIE 1976 uniform chrominance scale standard chart. 2 在寿命期内发光二极管灯的色品坐标与初始值的偏差在国家标准《均匀色空间和色差公式》GB/T 7921-2008规定的CIE 1976均匀色度标尺图中,不应超过0.007;