ID 原文 译文
3856 2 Demonstration in an exaggerated way with a prominent overall image. The relationship between the local part and the snow building as a whole must be distinctive; 2 体面关系夸张,表现手法强烈,整体形象突出,体面关系和肌理关系应协调合理;
3857 2 Depth and width of vertical wheelchair platform lift and stair lift shall not be less than 1.20m and 900mm respectively; it shall be arranged with handrail, shield and call control buttons; 2 垂直升降平台的深度不应小于1.20m,宽度不应小于900mm,应设扶手、挡板及呼叫控制按钮;
3858 2 Design alteration and negotiation record file as well as jointing hearing record of drawing; 2 设计变更、洽商记录文件及图纸会审记录;
3859 2 Design for the mix ratio of masonry mortar and concrete; 2 砌筑砂浆及混凝土配合比的设计;
3860 2 Design of pile-type and wall-type retaining structure shall include the following contents: 2 桩、墙式支护结构的设计应包括下列内容:
3861 2 Design value of the weld strength shall be adopted according to those specified in Table 3.2.4-2. 2 焊缝强度设计值应按表3.2.4-2采用。
3862 2 Designation of precast member; 2 预制构件的标识;
3863 2 Determination of the length of free part and anchorage part, the diameter of anchor grouting and characteristic value of pullout capacity of anchor; 2 确定锚杆自由段、锚固段长度、锚固体直径、锚杆抗拔承载力特征值;
3864 2 Determining the range of basic variables in the design, such as the range of the ratio between the characteristic value of a variable action and the characteristic value of a permanent action; 2 确定设计中基本变量的取值范围,如可变作用标准值与永久作用标准值比值的范围;
3865 2 Dewatering risk analysis and dewatering design in terms of foundation excavation; 2 基坑降水风险分析及降水设计;