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译文 |
3846 |
2 Critical bending moment of elastic buckling shall be calculated according to the following formulas: |
2 弹性屈曲临界弯矩应按下列公式计算: |
3847 |
2 Curb ramp must be arranged on both ends of crosswalk. |
2 人行横道两端必须设置缘石坡道。 |
3848 |
2 Curing compounds shall be uniformly sprayed on the surface of structural members and it shall be ensured that the entire area of surface is sprayed. The curing compounds shall be possessed of reliable moisturizing effects that can be examined by tests; |
2 养护剂应均匀喷涂在结构构件表面,不得漏喷;养护剂应具有可靠的保湿效果,保湿效果可通过试验检验; |
3849 |
2 Current timetable report. |
2 当前时刻表报告。 |
3850 |
2 Cut edge shall be trim; |
2 切口应整齐; |
3851 |
2 Cut off the positions with defects into a rectangular opening with rounded corner; the dimension of cut-off parts shall be 100mm greater than that of defected borderline (Figure 17.2.2 a); |
2 将缺陷部位切除,且宜切成带圆角的矩形洞口。切除部分的尺寸应比缺陷界线的尺寸扩大100mm(图17.2.2a); |
3852 |
2 Debug and detect each function of the software, and it shall meet the design requirements; |
2 调试、检测软件系统的各项功能,应符合设计要求; |
3853 |
2 Debug each equipment, they shall achieve a correct service state; |
2 对各设备进行调试,应达到正确的使用状态; |
3854 |
2 Definitions |
2 术语 |
3855 |
2 Delivery inspection certificate of raw materials and products as well as the site repeat test report by evidential sampling of safety-related raw materials and products; |
2 原材料、产品出厂检验合格证和涉及安全的原材料、产品的进场见证抽样复验报告; |