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3796 2 Class public parking space (garage) shall be arranged with accessible vehicle parking lot whose number shall not be less than 2% number of parking vehicle, and shall not be less than two; 2 Ⅱ类及Ⅲ类公共停车场(库)应设置不少于停车数量2%,且不少于2个无障碍机动车停车位;
3797 2 Cleaning and finishing the existing structures and members; 2 清理、修整原结构、构件;
3798 2 Cleaning and maintenance shall be carried out once respectively for cooling water system before and after each service season; 2 冷却水系统每个使用季前后各进行一次清洗保养;
3799 2 Cleaning up the existing structure and repair welding area of structure member; 2 清理原结构,修整构件施焊区;
3800 2 Clear and visible characters indicating the camera position, time and date shall be superimposed on the image display screen; 2 图像显示画面上应叠加摄像机位置、时间、日期等字符,字符应清晰、明显;
3801 2 Clear width of doorway after automatic door is opened shall not be less than 1.00m; 2 自动门开启后通行净宽度不应小于1.00m;
3802 2 Clear width of ramp shall not be less than 2.00m; 2 坡道的净宽度不应小于2.00m;
3803 2 Clearance shall be provided between the building and the equipment. 建筑物各部分(或设备之间)有联系时,可将沉降较大者标高提高。
3804 2 Clearing away the concrete protection layer at the positions of wrapped wires; 2 剔除绕丝部位混凝土保护层;
3805 2 Climbing height of the hoisting equipment shall meet the requirements of the hoisting height of the member within the next assembly line section; 2 起重设备的爬升高度应满足下节流水段内构件的起吊高度;