ID 原文 译文
3786 2 Cement mortar, ready-mixed mortar or special mortar shall be adopted below the indoor flooring and in the humid condition. The strength grades of the common brick masonry mortar, concrete block (brick) masonry mortar and the autoclaved common brick masonry mortar shall be greater than or equal to M10, Mb10 and Ms10 respectively; 2 室内地坪以下及潮湿环境,应为水泥砂浆、预拌砂浆或专用砌筑砂浆,普通砖砌体砌筑砂浆强度等级不应低于M10,混凝土砌块(砖)砌筑砂浆强度等级不应低于Mb10,蒸压普通砖砌筑砂浆不应低于Ms10;
3787 2 Certain deadweight of structure in construction; 2 施工时结构的某些自重;
3788 2 Channel of modulator shall avoid the same frequency interference field density; 2 调制器的频道应避开同频干扰场强;
3789 2 Characteristic value of axial force of single upright tube should not be greater than 12kN; characteristic value of axial force of single upright tube in tall formwork supports should not be greater than 10kN; 2 单根立杆的轴力标准值不宜大于12kN,高大模板支架单根立杆的轴力标准值不宜大于10kN;
3790 2 Check phases of transmission line; 2 核对线路相位;
3791 2 Checking calculation of seepage stability of soil at pit bottom and inrushing stability of confined pressure water. 2 验算坑底土层的渗流稳定性及抗承压水突涌的稳定性。
3792 2 Chlorine ion content in cement paste shall not exceed 0.06% of the cement mass; 2 水泥浆中氯离子含量不应超过水泥重量的0.06%;
3793 2 Circuit grounding failure; 2 电路接地的故障;
3794 2 Clamping vibrators shall compact from lower to upper in sequence according to height and speed of the concrete placement; 2 附着振动器应根据混凝土浇筑高度和浇筑速度,依次从下往上振捣;
3795 2 Class and class shall not include any high-difficulty stunts of skills. 2 Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级不含技巧类高难动作。