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3766 2 Brackets for anchor positioning should be arranged at an interval of every 1.0m~2.0m along axis direction of anchor; the cover for anchor reinforcement shall not be less than 20mm. 2 锚杆定位支架沿锚杆轴线方向宜每隔1.0m~2.0m设置一个,锚杆杆体的保护层不得少于20mm。
3767 2 Braille explanation board should be arranged for important exhibition furnishings. 2 重要的展览性陈设,宜设置盲文解说牌。
3768 2 Braking distance test of escalator with braking load shall be conducted (unless otherwise braking distance may be tested by other methods), braking loads shall meet the requirements in Table 6.3.6-2, and braking distances shall meet the requirements in Table 6.3.6-1; For automatic conveyors, manufacturers shall provide braking distances calculated based on braking loads specified in Table 6.3.6-2, and braking distances shall meet the requirements in Table 6.3.6-1. 2 自动扶梯应进行载有制动载荷的制停距离试验(除非制停距离可以通过其他方法检验),制动载荷应符合表6.3.6-2规定,制停距离应符合表6.3.6-1的规定;对自动人行道,制造商应提供按载有表6.3.6-2规定的制动载荷计算的制停距离,且制停距离应符合表6.3.6-1的规定。
3769 2 Bridge shall be even without distortion and deformation, and its inner wall shall be burr free, all the accessories shall be installed ready, the nut of fastener shall be set at the outer side of bridge, the bridge interface shall be straight, even and tight, the cover plates shall be complete, flat and smooth; 2 桥架应平整,无扭曲变形,内壁无毛刺,各种附件应安装齐备,紧固件的螺母应在桥架外侧,桥架接口应平直、严密,盖板应齐全、平整;
3770 2 Building shall be equipped with at least one accessible entrance for audience, athlete and distinguished guest respectively, and accessible entrance may be arranged for entrance of other function areas as required; 2 建筑物的观众、运动员及贵宾出入口应至少各设1处无障碍出入口,其他功能分区的出入口可根据需要设置无障碍出入口;
3771 2 Building shall be equipped with at least one accessible entrance, it should be located at main entrance and ramp entrance should be arranged for it; 2 建筑物至少应有1处为无障碍出入口,宜设置为平坡出入口,且宜位于主要出入口处;
3772 2 Buildings with Grade-B design grade of foundation on soft ground; 2 软弱地基上的地基基础设计等级为乙级建筑物;
3773 2 Buildings without urban or regional central heating where gas, coal, oil and other fuels are under restrictions of environmental protection or fire protection, and it is impossible to use heat pump as heating source; 2 无城市或区域集中供热,采用燃气、煤、油等燃料受到环保或消防限制,且无法利用热泵提供供暖热源的建筑;
3774 2 Burrs and damage within allowance limit shall be filed and polished with 0#sand paper; 2 飞边、毛刺及表面未超过允许的损伤应锉平并用不粗于0#细砂纸磨光;
3775 2 Cables should not be intersected when laid; they should be laid in an orderly manner and fixed. A signboard should be placed above where the cable is buried. 2 电缆敷设时,应排列整齐,不得交叉,位置固定;在电缆埋设线位应设置标志牌,