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译文 |
3636 |
2 "Shall comply with..." or"Shall meet the requirements of..." |
2 条文中指明应按其他有关标准执行的写法为∶“应符合…… |
3637 |
2 "Shall comply with…" or "shall meet the requirements of…" is used in this code to indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative standards and codes. |
2 条文中指明应按其他有关标准、规范执行时,写法为:“应符合……的规定”或“应按……执行”。 |
3638 |
2 "Shall comply with…" or "shall meet the requirements of…"is used in this code to indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative standards and codes. |
2 在条文中按指定的标准、规范执行时,写法为“应符合……的规定”或“应按……的规定执行”。 |
3639 |
2 "Shall comply with……" or "shall meet the requirements of……" is used in this code to indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative standards and codes. |
2 条文中指明应按其他有关标准执行的写法为:“应符合……的规定”或“应按……执行”。 |
3640 |
2 "Shall meet the requirements of..." or "Shall be carried out according to..." |
2 条文中指明应按其他有关标准执行的写法为:“应符合…… |
3641 |
2 "Shall meet the requirements of…" or "shall comply with…" is used in this code to indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative standards and codes. |
2 条文中指明应按其他有关标准执行的写法为:“应符合……的规定”或“应按…… |
3642 |
2 "shall be in accordance with" or "shall comply with" is used to indicate that it is necessary to implement items in this code according to other relevant standards and codes. |
2 本规范中指明应按其他有关标准、规范执行的写法为“应符合……的规定”或“应按……执行。” |
3643 |
2 0. 25MΩ for other circuits (such as control, lighting and signal, etc.). |
2 其他电路(控制、照明、信号等):0.25MΩ。 |
3644 |
2 0. 25MΩ for other circuits (such as control, lighting, signal, etc.). |
2 其他电路(控制、照明、信号等)0.25MΩ。 |
3645 |
2 0.035 may be taken for the open building; |
2 敞开式房屋可取0.035; |