ID 原文 译文
3555 19 GB/T 706 Hot Rolled Section Steel 19 《热轧型钢》 GB/T 706
3556 19 JGJ 85 Technical specification for application of anchorage, grip and coupler for prestressing tendons 19《预应力筋用锚具、夹具和连接器应用技术规程》JGJ 85
3557 19 Plant Rebars 19 植筋工程
3558 19 Quality of Appearance of Unit Works 19 单位工程观感质量
3559 19.1 General Requirement 19.1 一般规定
3560 19.1 General Requirements 19.1 一般规定
3561 19.1.1 The client shall organize the supervision firm and contractor to conduct on-site appearance quality evaluation. 19.1.1 观感质量评定应由建设单位组织监理单位、施工单位共同进行现场评定。
3562 19.1.1 This chapter is applicable to construction process control and construction quality inspection of planting steel bar with rib (including tie bar) and full-thread screw rod with anchorage-type structural adhesive in concrete bearing structure and masonry bearing structure. 19.1.1 本章适用于混凝土承重结构和砌体承重结构以锚固型结构胶粘剂种植带肋钢筋 (包括拉结筋)和全螺纹螺杆的施工过程控制和施工质量检验。
3563 19.1.2 The construction procedure of rebar planting (including full-thread screw rod, the same hereinafter) shall be in accordance with those the procedure (Figure 19.1.2) specified in construction design. 19.1.2 植筋 (包括全螺纹螺杆,以下同)工程施工程序应按施工设计规定的工序 (图19.1.2)进行。
3564 19.1.2 With respect to the items of the appearance quality inspection evaluation determined to be substandard, repair shall be performed. 19.1.2 观感质量检查项目评定达不到合格标准,应进行返修。