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3545 18.5.4 The adhesive (motor)-casting pressure control and operation shall meet the following requirements: 18.5.4 注胶 (浆)压力控制与注胶 (浆)作业应符合下列规定:
3546 18.5.5 Where liquid adhesive (motor) outflows from upper adhesive (motor)-casting port or exhaust nozzle, the upper adhesive (motor)-casting port shall be closed in time and the pressure shall be maintained for 1min~2min. 18.5.5 当上部注胶 (浆)嘴或排气嘴有胶 (浆)液流出时,应及时关闭上部注胶 (浆)嘴,并维持压力1min~2min。
3547 18.6 Quality Inspection 18.6 施工质量检验
3548 18.6.1 Where the setting time of liquid adhesive (motor) reaches 7d, the grouting quality inspection shall be immediately carried out by one of the following methods: 18.6.1 (浆)液固化时间达到7d时,应立即采用下列方法之一进行灌注质量检验:
3549 19 GB 13544 Fired Perforated Brick and Block 19《烧结多孔砖和多孔砌块》GB 13544
3550 19 GB 1446 The Generals of Test Methods for Properties of Fiber-reinforced Plastics 19 《纤维增强塑料性能试验方法 总则》GB/T 1446
3551 19 GB 19210 Cleaning Code for Air Duct System in Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Systems 19 《空调通风系统清洗规范》 GB 19210
3552 19 GB/T 1231 Specifications of High Strength Bolts with Large Hexagon Head, Large Hexagon Nuts, Plain Washers for Steel Structures 19 《钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓、大六角螺母、垫圈技术条件》GB/T 1231
3553 19 GB/T 1591 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels 19 《低合金高强度结构钢》GB/T 1591
3554 19 GB/T 23451 Light Weight Panels for Partition Wall Used in Buildings 19 《建筑用轻质隔墙条板》GB/T 23451