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3535 18.3.7 The fabric surface of the uppermost layer shall be brushed with adhesive and then scattered with quartz sand or pisolite. 18.3.7 在纤维织物最上一层的面上应涂刷胶粘剂一遍,并随即撒上石英砂或豆石。
3536 18.4 Fill Cracks with Flexible Materials 18.4 柔性密封法施工
3537 18.4.1 U-shaped groove or V-shaped wooden groove shall be cut according to the dimension specified in the design; and it shall carefully inspect the quality of groove chiseling. 18.4.1 按设计规定的尺寸开凿U形槽或V形木槽,并仔细检查凿槽质量。
3538 18.4.2 Where isolating course is required, the bottom of U-shaped groove shall be smooth and flat. 18.4.2 当需设置隔离层时,U形槽的槽底应为光滑的平底。
3539 18.4.3 Where flexible or elastic sealing materials are filled into the grooves, liquid adhesive shall be brushed on wall surfaces of both roughened sides inside the groove, and then the selected sealing materials may be filled. 18.4.3 当在槽内填充柔性或弹性密封材料时,应先在槽内凿毛的两侧壁表面上涂刷一层胶液,方可填充所选用的密封材料。
3540 18.4.4 After filling sealing materials, alkali-free glassfabric or non-woven cloth shall be bonded at the groove opening and also within 50mm away from its both sides for sealing protection. 18.4.4 密封材料填充完毕后,应在裂缝槽口及其两侧各50mm范围内粘贴无碱玻璃纤维织物或无纺布封护。
3541 18.5 Inject Cracks with Epoxy 18.5 压力灌注法施工
3542 18.5.1 Where the cracks in concrete and masonry are repaired by injecting low-viscosity liquid adhesive or grout by pressure, the automatic adhesive casting method by constant-pressure injector and adhesive casting method by mechanical-control pressure shall be selected according to the width, depth and internal condition of cracks. 18.5.1 采用压力灌注法注入低黏度胶液或注浆料修补混凝土、砌体裂缝时,应根据裂缝宽度、深度和内部情况,选用定压注射器自动注胶法或机控压力注浆法。
3543 18.5.2 The installation and pressure test inspection of pressure injection device shall meet the following requirements: 18.5.2 压力灌注装置的安装和试压检验应符合下列要求:
3544 18.5.3 Before construction, the variety, model and site reinspection report of liquid repairing adhesive (motor) for concrete crack as well as initial viscosity of prepared liquid adhesive (motor) shall be rechecked. 18.5.3 施工前应复查裂缝修补胶 (浆)液的品种、型号及进场复验报告,以及所配制胶 (浆)液的初始黏度。