ID 原文 译文
3505 18 GB 1499.3 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete-Part 3: Welded Fabric 18 《钢筋混凝土用钢 第3部分:钢筋焊接网》GB 1499.3
3506 18 GB 19044 Limited Values of Energy Efficiency and Rating Criteria of Self-ballasted Fluorescent Lamps for General Lighting Service 18 《普通照明用自镇流荧光灯能效限定值及能效等级》 GB 19044
3507 18 GB/T 1230 High strength Plain Washers for Steel Structures 18 《钢结构用高强度垫圈》GB/T 1230
3508 18 GB/T 19631 Glassfiber Reinforced Cement Lightweight Hollow Panel for Partition 18 《玻璃纤维增强水泥轻质多孔隔条板》 GB/T 19631
3509 18 GB/T 700 Carbon Structural Steels 18 《碳素结构钢》 GB/T 700
3510 18 GB/T 985 Basic Forms and Sizes of Weld Grooves for Gas Welding, Manual Arc Welding and Gas-shielded Arc Welding 18 《气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸》GB/T 985
3511 18 JGJ 63 Standard of water for concrete 18《混凝土用水标准》JGJ 63
3512 18 Repair Cracks in Concrete and Masonry Structures 18 混凝土及砌体裂缝修补工程
3513 18.1 General Requirement 18.1 一般规定
3514 18.1 General Requirements 18.1 一般规定