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3465 17.2.1 In addition to complying with the requirements of Chapter 10 in the current national standard GB 50462-2008 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Electronic Information System Room, the construction of the indoor decoration engineering of machine room shall also meet the following requirements: 17.2.1 机房室内装饰装修工程的施工除应执行现行国家标准《电子信息系统机房施工及验收规范》GB 50462-2008第10章的规定外,尚应符合下列规定:
3466 17.2.1 The ATO system shall operate normally when onboard ATP host computer or standby computer operates. 17.2.1 ATO系统在车载ATP主机或备机运行时均应正常使用。
3467 17.2.1 Where plug welding is adopted to repair cracks, it shall be carried out according to the following procedures: 17.2.1 当采用堵焊法修复裂纹时,应按下列程序进行:
3468 17.2.10 The construction of secrete-involved network computer room shall meet the relevant national technical requirements for the gradational protection of information system involving state secrets. 17.2.10 涉密网络机房的施工应符合国家有关涉及国家秘密的信息系统分级保护技术要求的规定。
3469 17.2.2 1 The train operation speed shall be automatically adjusted within the specified permissible range. 17.2.2 1 在规定允许的范围内自动调节列车运行速度。
3470 17.2.2 As for weblike and bifid cracking zone as well as web positions of girder and pillar with rupture, over burning and burning through, paneling should be used to repair them; the repairing procedures is as follows: 17.2.2 对网状、分叉状裂纹区和有破裂、过烧、烧穿等缺陷的梁、柱腹板部位,宜采用嵌板修补,修补程序为:
3471 17.2.2 In addition to complying with the requirements of Chapter 3 in the national standard GB50462-2008 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Electronic Information System Room, the construction of the power supply and distribution system engineering of machine room shall also meet the following requirements: 17.2.2 机房供配电系统工程的施工除应执行国家标准《电子信息系统机房施工及验收规范》GB 50462-2008第3章的规定外,尚应符合下列规定:
3472 17.2.3 The automatic turn-back function of the train shall meet the design requirements and shall verify the accuracy of train stop is able to meet the requirements of station train stopping, turn-back and storage operations. 17.2.3 列车自动折返功能应符合设计要求。列车自动折返功能应验证停车精度能满足停站、折返和存车作业的要求。
3473 17.2.3 The construction of lightning protection and grounding system engineering shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 4 in the current national standard GB 50462-2008 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Electronic Information System Room and Chapter 16 in this code. 17.2.3 防雷与接地系统工程的施工应执行现行国家标准《电子信息系统机房施工及验收规范》GB 50462-2008第4章和本规范第16章的规定。
3474 17.2.3 Where additional cover plate is used to repair cracks, double-layer cover plate should be adopted; its thickness shall be the same as that of the existing plate. 17.2.3 采用附加盖板修补裂纹时,宜采用双层盖板;其厚度应与原板等厚。