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3375 16.2.7 The train turn-back function of the train shall meet the design requirements and shall verify the following items: 16.2.7 列车折返功能应符合设计要求。列车折返功能应验证下列内容:
3376 16.2.8 The train headway and turn-back time testing function shall meet the design requirements. 16.2.8 列车运行间隔和折返时间测试功能应符合设计要求。
3377 16.2.9 The preparation and management function of the train timetable shall meet the design requirements. 16.2.9 列车运行时刻表的编制及管理功能应符合设计要求。
3378 16.3 Safety Channel 16.3 安全通道
3379 16.3 Strengthening of Welding 16.3 焊缝补强施工
3380 16.3 System Debugging 16.3 系统测试
3381 16.3.1 After the lighting protection and grounding system has been installed, the ground resistance shall be tested and shall meet the requirements of Article 16.2.1 in this code. 16.3.1 防雷及接地系统安装完毕,应测试接地电阻,接地电阻应符合本规范第16.2.1条的要求。
3382 16.3.1 Plane safety channel required for the installation of steel structures shall be continuously erected story by story. 16.3.1 钢结构安装所需的平面安全通道应分层平面连续搭设。
3383 16.3.1 Under the following cases, the test on welding process shall be carried out for strengthening welds. 16.3.1 在下列情况下,焊接补强施工,应先进行焊接工艺试验:
3384 16.3.2 After the equipotential bonding installation has been completed, conductivity test shall be carried out. 16.3.2 等电位联结安装完毕,应进行导通性测试。