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3365 |
16.2.2 The automatic and manual adjustment function of train operation shall meet the design requirements and shall verity the following items: |
16.2.2 列车运行自动和人工调整功能应符合设计要求。列车运行调整功能应验证下列内容: |
3366 |
16.2.2 The general items shall meet the following requirements: |
16.2.2 一般项目应符合下列规定: |
3367 |
16.2.2 The person-and-cargo elevator shall be adopted for the climbing up during the construction of multi-story and tall steel structures. And reasonable safety climb-up facilities shall be erected for the stories inaccessible by the elevator. |
16.2.2 多层及高层钢结构施工应采用人货两用电梯登高,对电梯尚未到达的楼层应搭设合理的安全登高设施。 |
3368 |
16.2.2 Where old welds or cracks are discovered on substrate, they shall be repaired according to the method specified in this code. |
16.2.2 当发现旧焊缝或其母材有裂纹时,应按本规范规定的修补方法进行修复。 |
3369 |
16.2.3 Before welding, the welding personnel shall reinspect the quality of welding surface treatment in steel structures and make inspection records. |
16.2.3 施焊前,焊接作业人员应复查钢构件焊区表面处理的质量,并做好检查记录。 |
3370 |
16.2.3 The workstation operation mode function shall meet the design requirements and shall verify the following items: |
16.2.3 工作站运行模式功能应符合设计要求。工作站运行模式功能应验证下列内容: |
3371 |
16.2.3 When the hook for the hoisting of the steel column loosens, construction personnel should climb up through a steel hook ladder and shall adopt a safety catcher to protect themselves. |
16.2.3 钢柱吊装松钩时,施工人员宜通过钢挂梯登高,并应采用防坠器进行人身保护。 |
3372 |
16.2.4 The signal control function shall meet the design requirements and shall verify the following items: |
16.2.4 信号控制功能应符合设计要求。信号控制功能应验证下列内容: |
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16.2.5 The automatic route control function shall meet the design requirements and shall verify the following items: |
16.2.5 自动进路控制功能应符合设计要求。自动进路控制功能应验证下列内容: |
3374 |
16.2.6 The train description function shall meet the design requirements and shall verify the setting, modification, movement, cancellation and tracking of the train numbers. |
16.2.6 列车描述功能应符合设计要求。列车描述功能应验证车次号的设置、修改、移动、取消以及对车次号的跟踪等。 |