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3325 16.1.10 The lightning protection and grounding of information facility system shall comply with the requirements of Article 5.4.4 in the current national standard GB 50343-2004 Technical Code for Protection Against Lightning of Building Electronic Information System. 16.1.10 信息设施系统的防雷与接地应执行现行国家标准《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》GB 50343-2004第5.4.4条的规定。
3326 16.1.11 The lightning protection and grounding of information network system shall comply with the requirements of Article 5.4.5 in the current national standard GB 50343-2004 Technical Code for Protection Against Lightning of Building Electronic Information System. 16.1.11 信息网络系统的防雷与接地除应执行现行国家标准《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》GB 50343-2004第5.4.5条的规定。
3327 16.1.12 The lightning protection and grounding of broadcasting system shall comply with the requirements of Article 5.4.8 in the current national standard GB 50343-2004 Technical Code for Protection Against Lightning of Building Electronic Information System. 16.1.12 广播系统的防雷与接地应执行现行国家标准《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》GB 50343-2004第5.4.8条的规定。
3328 16.1.13 In addition to complying with the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 50343 Technical Code for Protection Against Lightning of Building Electronic Information System, the lightning protection and grounding of generic cabling system shall also meet the following requirements: 16.1.13 综合布线系统的防雷与接地除应执行现行国家标准《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》GB 50343的有关规定外,尚应符合下列规定:
3329 16.1.2 Before the construction of steel structures, the special construction safety & environmental protection plan and safety emergency plan shall be prepared. 16.1.2 钢结构施工前,应编制施工安全、环境保护专项方案和安全应急预案。
3330 16.1.2 Before the inspection of ATS system functions, the completion of single item commissioning of the system equipment and the static/dynamic commissioning of the onboard equipment shall be confirmed, and the commissioning and testing data and performance index shall meet the design requirements and relevant technical requirements. 16.1.2 ATS系统功能检验前,应确认系统设备单项调试、车载设备静态/动态调试已完成,调测数据、性能指标应符合设计和相关技术要求。
3331 16.1.2 In addition to complying with the requirements of Section 6.3 in the current national standard GB 50343-2004 Technical Code for Protection Against Lightning of Building Electronic Information System and Chapter 25 in GB 50303-2002 Code of Acceptance of Construction Quality of Electrical Installation in Building, the installation of grounding wire shall also meet the following requirements: 16.1.2 接地线的安装除应执行现行国家标准《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》GB 50343-2004第6.3节和《建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50303-2002第25章的规定外,尚应符合下列规定:
3332 16.1.2 The construction procedure of strengthening welds in steel structures under load conditions shall meet the following requirements: 16.1.2 负荷状态下钢构件焊缝补强工程的施工程序应符合下列规定:
3333 16.1.3 As for weld connection and reinforcement under load conditions, the site environmental temperature shall meet the following requirements: 16.1.3 负荷状态下焊缝连接补强施工,其现场环境气温应符合下列规定:
3334 16.1.3 In addition to complying with the requirements of Section 6.4 in the current national standard GB 50343-2004 Technical Code for Protection Against Lightning of Building Electronic Information System and Chapter 27 in GB 50303-2002 Code of Acceptance of Construction Quality of Electrical Installation in Building, the equipotential connection installation shall also meet the following requirements: 16.1.3 等电位联结安装除应执行现行国家标准《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》GB 50343-2004第6.4节和《建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50303-2002第27章的规定外,尚应符合下列规定: