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3155 14.5.6 The inspection of integrated security management system shall comply with the requirements of Article 8.3.10 in the current national standard GB 50339-2003 Code for Acceptance of Quality of Intelligent Building Systems. 14.5.6 安全防范综合管理系统的检验应执行现行国家标准《智能建筑工程质量验收规范》GB 50339-2003第8.3.10条的规定。
3156 14.6 Erection of Enclosure System 14.6 围护系统安装
3157 14.6 Quality Record 14.6 质量记录
3158 14.6 Survey of High-rising Steel Structures 14.6 高耸钢结构施工测量
3159 14.6.1 During erection of wallboard and roofing, girt and purlin shall be kept straightly and flatly. 14.6.1 在安装墙板和屋面板时,墙梁和檩条应保持平直。
3160 14.6.1 In addition to complying with the requirements of Section 3.7 in this code, the quality record of security system shall also meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 50348 Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System. 14.6.1 安全防范系统质量记录除应执行本规范的第3.7节的规定外,尚应执行现行国家标准《安全防范工程技术规范》GB 50348的有关规定。
3161 14.6.1 The construction control network of the high-rising steel structures should be arranged as farmland, round or radial patterns on the ground. 14.6.1 高耸钢结构的施工控制网宜在地面布设成田字形、圆形或辐射形。
3162 14.6.10 The deviation for erection of profiled steel sheet shall not be greater than permissible deviation specified in Table 14.6.10. 14.6.10 压型钢板安装的偏差不应大于表14.6.10规定的允许偏差。
3163 14.6.2 Heat preservation material shall be laid flatly and smoothly with both ends fixed to the structure main body; where single-side vapor barrier, if adopted, shall be placed at the inner side of building. 14.6.2 隔热材料应平整铺设,两端应固定到结构主体上,采用单面隔汽层时,隔汽层应置于建筑物的内侧。
3164 14.6.2 When the construction axis point is directly measured by transferring the plan control point to the upper part, different survey methods shall be adopted for checking and the allowable error for survey is 4mm. 14.6.2 由平面控制点投测到上部直接测定施工轴线点,应采用不同测量法校核,其测量允许误差为4mm。