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3145 |
14.5.3 Before the installation of the steel beam, the perpendicularity change of the columns at both ends of the steel beam shall be measured and also the perpendicularity change due to the beam connection of adjacent columns shall be monitored. After completion of the integral member installation in certain area, the integral structure re-survey shall be carried out. |
14.5.3 安装钢梁前,应测量钢梁两端柱的垂直度变化,还应监测邻近各柱因梁连接而产生的垂直度变化;待一区域整体构件安装完成后,应进行结构整体复测。 |
3146 |
14.5.3 During erection of purlins and girts, stay bar or tensioned rod shall be arranged and tensioned but shall not bend the purlin and girt. |
14.5.3 檩条和墙梁安装时,应及时设置撑杆或拉条并拉紧,但不应将檩条和墙梁拉弯。 |
3147 |
14.5.3 In addition to complying with the requirements of Article 8.3.7 in the current national standard GB 50339-2003 Code for Acceptance of Quality of Intelligent Building Systems, the inspection of access control system shall also include the inspection of recognition function, accuracy and linkage function of the biological recognition system and shall meet the requirements of Article 13.4.7 in the current professional standard JGJ 16-2008 Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings or the requirements of design document. |
14.5.3 出入口控制系统的检验除应执行现行国家标准《智能建筑工程质量验收规范》GB 50339-2003第8.3.7条的规定外,尚应检验生物识别系统的识别功能,准确率及联动控制功能,并应符合现行行业标准《民用建筑电气设计规范》JGJ 16-2008第13.4.7条的规定或者设计文件要求。 |
3148 |
14.5.4 During lifting of cold-formed thin-wall steel member such as purlins and girts, adequate measures shall be taken to avoid permanent deformation, and contact position between cable loop and member shall be well cushioned. |
14.5.4 檩条和墙梁等冷弯薄壁型钢构件吊装时应采取适当措施,防止产生永久变形,并应垫好绳扣与构件的接触部位。 |
3149 |
14.5.4 During the installation of the steel structures, the possible member expansion or bending deformation caused by factors such as sunlight and welding shall be analyzed and corresponding measures shall be taken. |
14.5.4 钢结构安装时,应分析日照、焊接等因素可能引起构件的伸缩或弯曲变形,并应采取相应措施。 |
3150 |
14.5.4 The inspection of patrol management system shall comply with the requirements of Article 8.3.8 in the current national standard GB 50339-2003 Code for Acceptance of Quality of Intelligent Building Systems. |
14.5.4 巡更管理系统的检验应执行现行国家标准《智能建筑工程质量验收规范》GB 50339-2003第8.3.8条的规定。 |
3151 |
14.5.5 Erected and positioned purlin and girt members shall not be used for lifting other heavy objects. |
14.5.5 不得利用已安装就位的檩条和墙梁构件起吊其他重物。 |
3152 |
14.5.5 The allowable tolerance for the integral perpendicularity of major structure is H/2500+10mm (His height), and shall be less than or equal to 50.0mm; the allowable tolerance of integral plane bending is L/1500 (Lis width), and shall be less than or equal to 25.0mm. |
14.5.5 主体结构整体垂直度的允许偏差为H/2500+10mm(H为高度),但不应大于50.0mm;整体平面弯曲允许偏差为L/1500 (L为宽度),且不应大于25.0mm。 |
3153 |
14.5.5 The inspection of parking garage (lot) management system shall comply with the requirements of Article 8.3.9 in the current national standard GB 50339-2003 Code for Acceptance of Quality of Intelligent Building Systems. |
14.5.5 停车库(场)管理系统的检验应执行现行国家标准《智能建筑工程质量验收规范》GB 50339-2003第8.3.9条的规定。 |
3154 |
14.5.6 For over 150m high building steel structures, GPS or corresponding method should be adopted to recheck the integral perpendicularity. |
14.5.6 高度在150m以上的建筑钢结构,整体垂直度宜采用GPS或相应方法进行测量复核。 |