ID 原文 译文
3135 14.5 Self-examination and Test 14.5 自检自验
3136 14.5 Survey of Multi-story and Tall Steel Structures 14.5 多层、高层钢结构施工测量
3137 14.5.1 According to division of erection unit, erection for such secondary members as purlins and girts shall be conducted immediately after the primary member finishes erection. . 14.5.1 根据安装单元的划分,主构件安装完毕后应立即进行檩条、墙梁等次构件的安装。
3138 14.5.1 Before the installation of multi-story and tall steel structures, the building positioning axis, the bottom-story column axis and the column-bottom foundation elevation shall be rechecked. The installation shall be started after the rechecking is deemed as acceptable. 14.5.1 多层及高层钢结构安装前,应对建筑物的定位轴线、底层柱的轴线、柱底基础标高进行复核,合格后再开始安装。
3139 14.5.1 In addition to the requirements of Article 8.3.4 in the current national standard GB 50339-2003 Code for Acceptance of Quality of Intelligent Building Systems, Chapter 7 in GB 50348-2004 Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System and GB 50395 Code of Design for Video Monitoring System, the inspection of video surveillance & control system shall also meet the following requirements: 14.5.1 视频安防监控系统检验除应按现行国家标准《智能建筑工程质量验收规范》GB 50339-2003第8.3.4条的规定、《安全防范工程技术规范》GB 50348-2004第7章和《视频安防监控系统工程设计规范》GB 50395有关规定执行,尚应符合下列规定:
3140 14.5.1 The pre-jacking force established by prestressed rods shall not be greater than 90% of the standard value of the constant load carried in each stage of strengthening columns. And the appearance of strengthened masonry columns shall be in good condition and free from cracks caused by over pre-jacking. 14.5.1 预应力撑杆建立的预顶力不应大于加固柱各阶段所承受的恒荷载标准值的90%,且被加固的砌体柱外观应完好,未出现预顶过度所引起的裂纹。
3141 14.5.2 Bolts of purlins, girts and eaves purlins between rigid frames shall be screwed after calibration excluding two initially-erected rigid frames. 14.5.2 除最初安装的两榀刚架外,其余刚架间檩条、墙梁和檐檩等的螺栓均应在校准后再拧紧。
3142 14.5.2 In addition to complying with the requirements of Article 8.3.6 in the current national standard GB 50339-2003 Code for Acceptance of Quality of Intelligent Building Systems, the inspection of intrusion alarm system shall also include the inspection of image change alarm function, background change alarm function, behavior analysis and pattern recognition alarm function of the video alarm detector. 14.5.2 入侵报警系统的检验除应执行现行国家标准《智能建筑工程质量验收规范》GB 50339-2003第8.3.6条的规定外,尚应检验视频报警探测器的图像异动报警功能、背景变化报警功能、行为分析、模式识别报警功能等。
3143 14.5.2 The control axis of each segment of steel column shall be measured from the turning point of the datum control axis and shall not be led from the axis of the column on the lower story. 14.5.2 每节钢柱的控制轴线应从基准控制轴线的转点引测,不得从下层柱的轴线引出。
3144 14.5.2 The physical surfaces of prestressed rods and their connecting pieces shall be free from rusty stain, oil stain and dirt. 14.5.2 预应力撑杆及其连接件的外观表面不应有锈迹、油渍和污垢。