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3095 |
14.3.2 The benchmarks of the elevation control points for the steel structures may be arranged either on the stake of the plan control network or the peripheral fixed ground object; it may also be separately embedded. |
14.3.2 钢结构工程高程控制点的水准点,可设置在平面控制网的标桩或外围的固定地物上,也可单独埋设。 |
3096 |
14.3.2 The general items shall meet the following requirements: |
14.3.2 一般项目应符合下列规定: |
3097 |
14.3.3 At the midpoint of composite legs, edge-on wing plate of angle steel shall be cut into triangular notch. And the whole composite legs shall be bent to the required shape and dimension (see Figure 8.3.4-1 of this code) in the design requirements. |
14.3.3 在组合肢中点处,应将角钢侧立翼板切割出三角形缺口,并将组合肢整体弯折成设计要求的形状和尺寸 (参照本规范图8.3.4-1)。 |
3098 |
14.3.3 The quantity of temporary bolts used during erection is to such degree that shall be able to bear member deadweight and exogenic action during connection correction, at least 2 for each. |
14.3.3 安装时使用临时螺栓的数量,应能承受构件自重和连接校正时外力作用,每个节点上穿入的数量不宜少于2个。 |
3099 |
14.3.3 The transfer of the building elevation should be carried out by the survey method through hanging a steel ruler. The temperature, ruler length and tension correction shall be carried out during the reading of the steel ruler. |
14.3.3 建筑物标高的传递宜采用悬挂钢尺测量方法进行,钢尺读数时应进行温度、尺长和拉力修正。 |
3100 |
14.3.4 During erection of high-strength bolts, access hole must not be knocked in forcible way; appropriate reamer and special tool may be adopted for reaming hole; maximum diameter of hole after correction shall be less than 1.2 times of the bolt diameter; gas cutting shall not be adopted for reaming. |
14.3.4 高强度螺栓的安装严禁强行敲打入孔,扩孔可采用合适的铰刀及专用扩孔工具进行,修正后的最大孔径应小于1.2倍螺栓直径,不应采用气割扩孔。 |
3101 |
14.3.4 The upper and lower ends of rods composite legs shall be welded with steel bearing plates (force transmission top plates) whose dimension and thickness shall meet the design requirements and the plate thickness shall not be less than 14mm. |
14.3.4 撑杆组合肢的上下端应焊有钢制抵承板 (传力顶板),抵承板的尺寸和板厚应符合设计要求,且板厚不应小于14mm。 |
3102 |
14.3.5 Contact surface of steel sheet in high-strength bolt connection shall be flat and smooth and treatment may be omitted where the clearance is less than 1.0mm; 1.0mm~3.0mm, raised one side shall be worn to inclined plane with slope of 1:10 with direction for wearing vertical to that of force; greater than 3.0mm, subplate shall be added with treatment method for both sides the same as that for friction surface of connecting plates. |
14.3.5 高强度螺栓连接的钢板接触面应平整,接触面间隙小于1.0mm时可不处理;1.0mm~3.0mm时,应将高出的一侧磨成1∶10的斜面,打磨方向应与受力方向垂直;大于3.0mm的间隙应加垫板,垫板两面的处理方法应与连接板摩擦面处理方法相同。 |
3103 |
14.3.5 When fabricating the bearing construction pressure-bearing plates of rod legs, the mode of construction shall be determined according to the kind of the adopted anchor bolts. |
14.3.5 制作撑杆肢承力构造的承压板时,应根据所采用的锚栓品种确定其构造方式。 |
3104 |
14.3.6 Screwing of high-strength bolt connector shall be divided into primary screwing, secondary screwing and final screwing from joint center position of bolt group to outward edge in sequence, which shall be completed within 24h. |
14.3.6 高强度螺栓连接副的拧紧应分为初拧、复拧、终拧,宜按由螺栓群节点中心位置顺序向外缘拧紧的方法施拧,初拧、复拧、终拧应在24h内完成。 |