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3075 |
14.2.5 During erection of steel structure of light-weight building with gabled frames, measures shallbe taken to guarantee structural stability according to requirements of design and construction conditions. |
14.2.5 门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构在安装过程中,应根据设计和施工工况要求,采取措施保证结构整体稳固性。(本条规范于2022年1月1日被工程建设国家标准《钢结构通用规范》 GB 55006-2021废止) |
3076 |
14.2.5 In addition to the requirements of Item 8 in Article 6.3.5 of the current standard of the nation GB 50348-2004Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System and Section 14.6 in JGJ 16-2008 Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings, the installation of parking garage (lot) management system shall also meet the following requirements: |
14.2.5 停车库(场)管理系统安装除应执行国家现行标准《安全防范工程技术规范》GB 50348-2004第6.3.5条第8款和《民用建筑电气设计规范》JGJ 16-2008第14.6节的规定外,尚应符合下列规定: |
3077 |
14.2.6 Erection of main member shall meet the following requirements: |
14.2.6 主构件的安装应符合下列规定: |
3078 |
14.2.6 The installation of visitor (video) intercom system shall comply with the requirements of Item 6 in Article 6.3.5 of the current national standard GB 50348-2004 Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System. |
14.2.6 访客(可视)对讲系统安装应执行现行国家标准《安全防范工程技术规范》GB 50348-2004第6.3.5条第6款的规定。 |
3079 |
14.2.7 Correction for erection of steel structure shall meet the following requirements: |
14.2.7 钢结构安装的校正应符合下列规定: |
3080 |
14.2.7 The installation of electronic guard tour management system shall comply with the requirements of Item 7 in Article 6.3.5 of the current national standard GB 50348-2004 Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System and Section 14.5 in JGJ 16-2008 Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings. |
14.2.7 电子巡查管理系统安装应执行现行国家标准《安全防范工程技术规范》GB 50348-2004第6.3.5条第7款和《民用建筑电气设计规范》JGJ 16-2008第14.5节的规定。 |
3081 |
14.2.8 The installation of security system control unit shall comply with the requirements of Item 9 in Article 6.3.5 of the current national standard GB 50348-2004 Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System. |
14.2.8 安全防范系统的控制设备的安装除应执行现行国家标准《安全防范工程技术规范》GB 50348-2004第6.3.5条第9款的规定。 |
3082 |
14.2.8 Where there is reliable basis, already-erected steel structure may be utilized for lifting of other member and equipment. |
14.2.8 有可靠依据时,可利用已安装完成的钢结构吊装其他构件和设备。 |
3083 |
14.2.9 As for joint required to be tightly pushed in design, 70% surface shall be closely against each other on contact surface, which is inspected with 0.3mm thick feeler gauge, sum of inserted area shall not be greater than 30% total area of tightly-pushed joint, and edge maximum clearance shall not be greater than 0.8mm. |
14.2.9 设计要求顶紧的节点,接触面应有70%的面紧贴,用0.3mm厚塞尺检查,可插入的面积之和不得大于顶紧节点总面积的30%,边缘最大间隙不应大于0.8mm。 |
3084 |
14.2.9 The construction of power supply, lightning protection and grounding system shall comply with the requirements of Article 6.3.6 in the current national standard GB 50348-2004 Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System and Chapter 16 in this code. |
14.2.9 供电、防雷与接地系统施工应执行现行国家标准《安全防范工程技术规范》GB 50348-2004第6.3.6条和本规范第16章规定。 |