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3065 |
14.2.2 The axis control pile for the building shall be measured according to the plan control network; and methods such as rectangular coordinate, polar coordinate, angle (direction) intersection and distance intersection may be selected for the positioning and setting out. |
14.2.2 建筑物的轴线控制桩应根据建筑物的平面控制网测定,定位放线可选择直角坐标法、极坐标法、角度 (方向)交会法、距离交会法等方法。 |
3066 |
14.2.2 The installation of video surveillance & control system shall meet the following requirements: |
14.2.2 视频安防监控系统的安装应符合下列规定: |
3067 |
14.2.2 When the masonry surface of the existing structure member is very poor in the degree of plainness and there is difficulty in polishing, M15 Grade cement motor shall be adopted for leveling after the surface cleaning and pointing motor cleaning of the existing structure member. But the permission of the design organization shall be obtained before changing the method specified in Article 14.2.1 of this code. |
14.2.2 当原构件的砌体表面平整度很差,且打磨有困难时,可在原构件表面清理洁净并剔除勾缝砂浆后,采用M15级水泥砂浆找平,但应在改变本规范第14.2.1条做法前,征得设计单位同意。 |
3068 |
14.2.3 For the plan control network of the building, the external control method should be adopted for the fourth story below and internal control method for the fourth story or above. |
14.2.3 建筑物平面控制网,四层以下宜采用外控法,四层及以上宜采用内控法。 |
3069 |
14.2.3 In addition to the requirements of Article 6.3.5 in the current standard of the nation GB50348-2004 Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System and Section 14.2 in JGJ 16-2008 Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings, the installation of intrusion alarm system equipment shall also meet the following requirements: |
14.2.3 入侵报警系统设备的安装除应执行国家现行标准《安全防范工程技术规范》GB 50348-2004第6.3.5条和《民用建筑电气设计规范》JGJ 16-2008第14.2节的规定外,尚应符合下列规定: |
3070 |
14.2.3 The performances of computer monitoring equipment shall meet the design requirements and relevant technical requirements. |
14.2.3 微机监测设备性能应符合设计和相关技术要求。 |
3071 |
14.2.3 Where the basement top surface is directly used as the bearing surface of column and the embedded steel sheet on the basement top surface or support is used as the bearing surface of column, the permissible deviation of bearing surface and foundation bolt (anchor bolt) shall not be greater than those specified in Table 14.2.3. |
14.2.3 基础顶面直接作为柱的支承面和基础顶面预埋钢板或支座作为柱的支承面时,支承面、地脚螺栓(锚栓)的偏差不应大于表14.2.3规定的允许偏差。 |
3072 |
14.2.4 As for reserved space for column basement during secondary pouring, it should not be greater than 50mm during hinged connection for column base and not greater than 100mm during rigid connection for column base. |
14.2.4 柱基础二次浇筑的预留空间,当柱脚铰接时不宜大于50mm,柱脚刚接时不宜大于100mm。 |
3073 |
14.2.4 In addition to the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 50396 Code of Design for Access Control Systems Engineering, the installation of access control system equipment shall also meet the following requirements: |
14.2.4 出入口控制系统设备的安装除应执行现行国家标准《出入口控制系统工程设计规范》GB 50396的有关规定外,尚应符合下列规定: |
3074 |
14.2.4 The balancing check of control network shall be carried out after the axis control reference point is transferred to the middle construction stories. |
14.2.4 轴线控制基准点投测至中间施工层后,应进行控制网平差校核。 |