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2775 12.3.2 The initial rusting grade, de-rusting method and grade requirement on steel surface shall meet the requirements of the current national standard GB/T 8923.1 Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products-Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness-Part 1: Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of Uncoated Steel Substrates and of Steel Substrates after Overall Removal of Previous Coatings. 12.3.2 钢材表面原始锈蚀等级,除锈方法与等级要求应符合现行国家标准《涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的目视测定第1部分:未涂覆过的钢材表面和全面清除原有涂层后的钢材表面的锈蚀等级和处理等级》GB/T 8923.1的规定。
2776 12.3.2 The same stockade and reinforcement treatment should be adopted for the adjacent equipment. 12.3.2 相邻设备宜采用同一个围桩及硬面化处理。
2777 12.3.2 When installing mesh, one end of the mesh shall be firstly anchored on the calibrated fixed point at the end of the existing structure member and the other end shall be clamped with stretching clamper; besides, stretching devices shall be installed on the latter one so that the meshes may be uniform, flattened and tightened by stretching. 12.3.2 安装网片时,应先将网片的一端锚固在原构件端部标定的固定点上,而网片的另一端则用张拉夹持器夹紧,并在此端安装张拉设备,通过张拉使网片均匀展平、绷紧。
2778 12.3.3 As for load-bearing member in weak-and middle-corrosion environment, its surface shall be subjected to jet or projectile de-rusting before plant fabrication and coating with de-rusting grade no lower than Sa2; where manual and mechanical de-rusting is adopted on site, the de-rusting grade shall not be lower than St2. 12.3.3 处于弱腐蚀环境和中等腐蚀环境的承重构件,工厂制作涂装前,其表面应采用喷射或抛射除锈方法,除锈等级不应低于Sa2;现场采用手工和动力工具除锈方法,除锈等级不应低于St2。
2779 12.3.3 Before reinforcement, the soil for earthing up shall be compacted and then reinforced. 12.3.3 硬面化前应先将培土夯实后再进行硬化。
2780 12.3.3 The method of bracing beam and changing column shall be adopted to add concrete padstone. 12.3.3 增设梁垫应采用“托梁换柱”的方法进行施工。
2781 12.3.3 The overlapping length along the mesh length direction shall be in accordance with the design requirements where the meshes shall be lengthened; if it is not indicated in the construction drawing, the overlapping length shall not be less than 200mm and shall not be located in the zone with the maximum bending moment. 12.3.3 当网片需要接长时,沿网片长度方向的搭接长度应符合设计规定;若施工图未注明,应取搭接长度不小于200mm,且不应位于最大弯矩区。
2782 12.3.4 The protection layer thickness of steel wire rope shall be guaranteed by taking control measures where meshes are installed and the control points are allowed to install by thickening 3mm~4mm. 12.3.4 安装网片时,应对钢丝绳保护层厚度采取控制措施予以保证,且允许按加厚3mm~4mm设置控制点。
2783 12.3.4 The reinforcement surface shall be even, smooth, clean and free from cracks, obvious loss of edge and corner. 12.3.4 硬面化表面应平整光洁、无裂纹,并无明显丢边掉角现象。
2784 12.3.4 The rust removal and coating engineering of steel structure shall be conducted after the fabrication quality of members is accepted. 12.3.4 钢结构除锈和涂装工程应在构件制作质量经检验合格后进行。