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2735 12.2.2 The structural interfacial adhesive (agent) sprayed on the concrete or masonry surface of the existing structure member should be the structural interfacial adhesive (agent) supplied in match with the polymer motor; its performance and quality shall be in accordance with the requirements of this code and the design. 12.2.2 在原构件的混凝土或砌体表面喷涂的结构界面胶 (剂),宜采用与聚合物砂浆配套供应的结构界面胶 (剂);其性能和质量应符合本规范和设计的规定。
2736 12.2.2 Where mixing mortar and concrete in construction site, the mixer shall be provided with windproof and soundproof closed enclosure facility; dust removal device should be installed and its noise limit shall conform to the relevant national regulations. 12.2.2 施工现场拌制砂浆及混凝土时,搅拌机应有防风、隔声的封闭围护设施,并宜安装除尘装置,其噪声限值应符合国家有关规定。
2737 12.2.3 Cement, fly ash, admixture and etc. shall be stored in damp-proof special warehouse difficult of raising dust. 12.2.3 水泥、粉煤灰、外加剂等应存放在防潮且不易扬尘的专用库房。
2738 12.2.3 Such factors as form, property and thickness of fire-resistance coating shall be determined according to fire endurance limit of steel member. 12.2.3 应根据钢结构构件的耐火极限确定防火涂层的形式、性能及厚度等要求。
2739 12.2.3 The added constructional column shall be connected with the wall ring beam and tie rod; if the location is inconvenient to the ring beam, measures shall also be taken in order to be reliably connected with the cast-in-place concrete floor (roof). 12.2.3 增设的构造柱应与墙体圈梁、拉杆连接成整体,若所在位置与圈梁连接不便,也应采取措施与现浇混凝土楼(屋)盖可靠连接。
2740 12.2.3 The installation of control center software shall meet the requirements of Article 6.3.2 in this code. 12.2.3 控制中心软件的安装应符合本规范第6.3.2条的规定。
2741 12.2.3 The surface water content of the existing structure member shall be in accordance with the construction requirements of polymer motor and interfacial adhesive (agent). 12.2.3 原构件表面的含水率,应符合聚合物砂浆及其界面胶(剂)施工的要求。
2742 12.2.3 The wayside equipment of the outdoor signaling system may be kept in the original ex-factory color; the equipment name and number shall be marked clearly on the plates attached on the equipment and the meaning of the characters shall be consistent with as-built drawings. 12.2.3 室外信号系统轨旁设备可保留产品出厂时的原有本色;设备名称及编号应在设备体所附铭牌上清晰表示,其字符意义应与竣工图示相符。
2743 12.2.4 Construction site road and ground of material storage yard should be hardened and cleaned frequently by sprinkling water. 12.2.4 对施工现场道路、材料堆场地面宜进行硬化,并应经常洒水清扫,场地应清洁。
2744 12.2.4 The bonding strength and compression strength of fire-resistance coating shall meet the design requirements while corresponding inspection method shall meet the requirements of the current national standard GB/T 9978 Fire-resistance Tests-Elements of Building Construction. 12.2.4 防火涂料的粘结强度、抗压强度应满足设计要求,检查方法应符合现行国家标准《建筑构件耐火试验方法》GB/T 9978的规定。