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2715 12.2.1 Design of fire resistance and fire endurance limit of steel member shall meet the requirements of the current national standard GB 50016 Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings to reasonably determine the type and grade for fire resistance of buildings. 12.2.1 钢结构的防火设计、钢结构构件的耐火极限应符合现行国家标准《建筑设计防火规范》GB 50016的规定,合理确定房屋的防火类别与防火等级。
2716 12.2.1 Environmental protection measures for construction of masonry structure engineering shall be taken in construction site, and clean and environmental-friendly operation mode shall be selected to reduce the environmental impact on the surrounding area. 12.2.1 施工现场应制定砌体结构工程施工的环境保护措施,并应选择清洁环保的作业方式,减少对周边地区的环境影响。
2717 12.2.1 The concrete surfaces of the existing structure and member shall be cleaned according to the requirements of Article 3.0.4 of this code; and the existing structure member concrete or the weathering and corrosion layers of masonry, rusty scale and corrosion pits of the original steel bar shall be removed according to those specified in Article 3.0.5. 12.2.1 原结构、构件的混凝土表面应按本规范第3.0.4条的要求进行清理,并参照第3.0.5条的要求剔除原构件混凝土或砌体的风化、腐蚀层,除去原钢筋锈层和锈坑。
2718 12.2.1 The marking color of the outdoor signaling equipment shall meet the following requirements: 12.2.1 室外信号设备标识颜色应符合下列要求:
2719 12.2.1 The requirements of this section are applicable to the installation of the following building automation system equipment: 12.2.1 本节规定适用于以下建筑设备监控系统设备的安装:
2720 12.2.1 Where the constructional column is not arranged or its arrangement is not in accordance with requirements of the current design code, cast-in-place reinforced concrete one or steel reinforcement mesh composite cement mortar combination masonry one shall be added. 12.2.1 当无构造柱或构造柱设置不符合现行设计规范要求时,应增设现浇钢筋混凝土构造柱或钢筋网水泥复合砂浆组合砌体构造柱。
2721 12.2.10 The installation of differential pressure switch for wind pressure shall meet the following requirements: 12.2.10 风压压差开关安装应符合下列规定:
2722 12.2.10 Where repairing machines and vehicles and replacing oil product, the oil product shall be prevented from sprinkling on the ground or infiltrating into the soil. 12.2.10 机械、车辆检修和更换油品时,应防止油品洒漏在地面或渗入土壤。
2723 12.2.11 The machine in cutting operating area shall be enclosed to reduce dust and noise emission. 12.2.11 切割作业区域的机械应进行封闭围护,减少扬尘和噪声排放。
2724 12.2.11 The water flow switch shall be installed vertically on the horizontal pipeline section. 12.2.11 水流开关应垂直安装在水平管段上。