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2695 |
12.1.3 The regular inspection and maintenance requirement for steel structure shall be indicated in steel structure design document. |
12.1.3 钢结构设计文件中应注明钢结构定期检查和维护要求。 |
2696 |
12.1.3 Where elevator, gantry frame and headframe hoist are adopted for the transportation of materials and equipment, they shall meet the relevant requirements of the current professional standards JGJ 215 Technical Specification for Safety of Installation, Use and Disassembly of Building Hoist in Construction and JGJ 88 Technical Code for Safety of Gantry Frame and Headframe Hoisters; the total weight of one hoisting shall not exceed the rated load or hoisting capacity of machine and measures shall be taken to prevent scattering. |
12.1.3 采用升降机、龙门架及井架物料提升机运输材料设备时,应符合现行行业标准 《建筑施工升降机安装、使用、拆卸安全技术规程》JGJ 215和《龙门架及井架物料提升机安全技术规范》JGJ 88的有关规定,且一次提升总重量不得超过机械额定起重或提升能力,并应有防散落、抛洒措施。 |
2697 |
12.1.4 Packing height of vehicle transporting block shall not exceed the carriage and the mortar in vehicle shall be 0.1m lower than the upper opening of carriage. |
12.1.4 车辆运输块材的装箱高度不得超出车厢,砂浆车内浆料应低于车厢上口0.1m。 |
2698 |
12.1.4 Where external reinforced concrete ring beam is adopted, the following requirements shall be met: |
12.1.4 采用外加钢筋混凝土圈梁时,应符合下列规定: |
2699 |
12.1.5 Safe passage shall be erected reliably and provided with obvious marks. |
12.1.5 安全通道应搭设可靠,并应有明显标识。 |
2700 |
12.1.5 Where steel reinforcement mesh-composite cement mortar masonry combination ring beam is adopted, the following requirements shall be met: |
12.1.5 采用钢筋网水泥复合砂浆砌体组合圈梁时,应符合下列规定: |
2701 |
12.1.6 On-site personnel shall wear safety helmet and fasten safety belt during high-place operation. |
12.1.6 现场人员应佩戴安全帽,高处作业时应系好安全带。 |
2702 |
12.1.6 Where steel tie rod is adopted to replace the inside wall ring beam, the following requirements shall be met: |
12.1.6 采用钢拉杆代替内墙圈梁时,应符合下列规定: |
2703 |
12.1.7 Where external reinforced concrete ring beam is connected with the brick wall, the following requirements shall be met: |
12.1.7 外加钢筋混凝土圈梁与砖墙的连接,应符合下列规定: |
2704 |
12.1.7 Where material is manually transported with chute to foundation trench or pit, the altitude difference should not exceed 5m. |
12.1.7 采用滑槽向基槽或基坑内人工运送物料时,落差不宜超过5m。 |