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2685 12.1.18 Material cutting and chiseling process personnel, mortar mixing operating personnel and handling personnel in field processing area shall wear labor protection articles according to relevant requirements. 12.1.18 现场加工区材料切割、打凿加工人员,砂浆搅拌作业人员以及搬运人员,应按相关要求佩戴好劳动防护用品。
2686 12.1.19 The fire safety of engineering construction site shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 50720 Technical Code for Fire Safety of Construction Site. 12.1.19 工程施工现场的消防安全应符合现行国家标准 《建设工程施工现场消防安全技术规范》GB 50720的有关规定。
2687 12.1.2 Cast-in-place reinforced concrete ring beam or steel reinforcement mesh-composite cement mortar masonry combination ring beam should be adopted for the external ring beam. Under special circumstances, section steel ring beam may also be adopted. 12.1.2 外加圈梁,宜采用现浇钢筋混凝土圈梁或钢筋网水泥复合砂浆砌体组合圈梁,在特殊情况下,亦可采用型钢圈梁。
2688 12.1.2 In addition to the requirements of Article 3.3.4 in this code, the construction environment shall also meet the following requirements: 12.1.2 施工环境除符合本规范第3.3.4条的规定外,尚应符合下列规定:
2689 12.1.2 Reinforcement treatment shall be conducted for the signaling equipment installed on the ground outdoors. 12.1.2 室外安装在地面的信号设备应进行硬面化处理。
2690 12.1.2 The construction machinery shall be used in accordance with the relevant requirements of the current professional standards JGJ 33 Technical Specification for Safety Operation of Constructional Machinery and JGJ 46 Technical Code for Safety of Temporary Electrification on Construction Site and shall be inspected and maintained regularly. 12.1.2 施工机械的使用,应符合现行行业标准 《建筑机械使用安全技术规程》JGJ 33和《施工现场临时用电安全技术规范》JGJ 46的有关规定,并应定期检查、维护。
2691 12.1.2 The construction procedures of strengthening by polymer motor reinforced with steel wire mesh shall meet the following requirements: 12.1.2 钢丝绳网片外加聚合物砂浆面层的施工程序应符合下列规定:
2692 12.1.2 The designed service life of protective layer shall be not less than 5 year; that for steel member difficult to maintain in application shall be not less than 10 years. 12.1.2 钢结构防护层设计使用年限不应低于5年;使用中难以维护的钢结构构件,防护层设计使用年限不应低于10年。
2693 12.1.3 The environment for strengthening by polymer motor reinforced with steel wire mesh shall be in accordance with the following requirements: 12.1.3 钢丝绳网片外加聚合物砂浆面层工程的施工环境应符合下列要求:
2694 12.1.3 The external ring beam shall be arranged close to the floor (roof) . 12.1.3 外加圈梁应靠近楼(屋)盖设置。