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2655 |
12.0.1 This Chapter is applicable to construction of profiled metal plate for the composite slab in the story and platform and non-composite slab for permanent concreting form. |
12.0.1 本章适用于楼层和平台中组合楼板的压型金属板施工,也适用于作为浇筑混凝土永久性模板用途的非组合楼板的压型金属板施工。 |
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12.0.10 When any equipment hole is required to be reserved on the profiled metal plate, plasma cutting or hollow drilling shall be used after the concreting, but the flame cutting shall not be adopted. |
12.0.10 压型金属板需预留设备孔洞时,应在混凝土浇筑完毕后使用等离子切割或空心钻开孔,不得采用火焰切割。 |
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12.0.11 When the temporary support is required to be arranged at the construction stage according to the requirements of the design document, it shall be arranged before the concreting and may be removed only after the concrete reaches the specified strength. |
12.0.11 设计文件要求在施工阶段设置临时支承时,应在混凝土浇筑前设置临时支承,待浇筑的混凝土强度达到规定强度后方可拆除。 |
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12.0.2 Before installation of the profiled metal plate, arrangement drawing of profiled metal plates in each story shall be drawn and the drawing shall cover the specification, dimension and quantity of the profiled metal plates; detailed drawing for the bearing structure and connection of major structure as well as the edge-sealing baffle. |
12.0.2 压型金属板安装前,应绘制各楼层压型金属板铺设的排板图;图中应包含压型金属板的规格、尺寸和数量,与主体结构的支承构造和连接详图,以及封边挡板等内容。 |
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12.0.3 Before the installation of the profiled metal plate, the position line of the profiled metal plate shall be marked on the bearing structure. |
12.0.3 压型金属板安装前,应在支承结构上标出压型金属板的位置线。 |
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12.0.4 Special hoisting mechanism shall be adopted for handling and transportation of the profiled metal plate and the steel rope is strictly forbidden to be directly adopted for binding and hoisting. |
12.0.4 压型金属板应采用专用吊具装卸和转运,严禁直接采用钢丝绳绑扎吊装。 |
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12.0.5 Anchoring and bearing length of the profiled metal plate and major structure (steel beam) shall meet the design requirements and shall be greater than or equal to 50mm; spot welding, fillet welding or nail fastening may be adopted for the end anchorage and the layout position shall meet the design requirements. |
12.0.5 压型金属板与主体结构 (钢梁)的锚固支承长度应符合设计要求,且不应小于50mm;端部锚固可采用点焊、贴角焊或射钉连接,设置位置应符合设计要求。 |
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12.0.6 The installation and connection of the profiled metal plate transferred to the floor shall be finished on the same day; if they are still surplus, they shall be fixed on the steel beam or transferred to the ground stockyard. |
12.0.6 转运至楼面的压型金属板应当天安装和连接完毕,当有剩余时应固定在钢梁上或转移到地面堆场。 |
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12.0.7 The surface of the steel beam bearing the profiled metal plate shall be maintained clean and the clearance between the profiled metal plate and the top surface of steel beam shall be controlled within 1mm. |
12.0.7 支承压型金属板的钢梁表面应保持清洁,压型金属板与钢梁顶面的间隙应控制在1mm以内。 |
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12.0.8 When the sealing plate of the edge form is installed, it shall be aligned with the wave pitch of the profiled metal plate and the tolerance is less than or equal to 3mm. |
12.0.8 安装边模封口板时,应与压型金属板波距对齐,偏差不大于3mm。 |