ID 原文 译文
2515 11.2.3 The construction of the generic cabling system, information network system and other relevant information facility systems shall be completed. 11.2.3 综合布线系统、信息网络系统及其他相关的信息设施系统应施工完毕。
2516 11.2.3 The hoop composed of double angle and 2φ12mm reinforcement with thread and nut shall be arranged along the wall height at the added counterfort masonry column in order to tie the column to the existing wall; and the hoop spacing shall be less than or equal to 500mm (Figure 11.2.3). 11.2.3 增设扶壁柱处,沿墙高应设置以2φ12mm带螺纹、螺帽的钢筋与双角钢组成的套箍,将扶壁柱与原墙拉结;套箍的间距不应大于500mm(图11.2.3)。
2517 11.2.3 The testing organization shall also send special personnel to carry out pre-stationing work for bonding quality inspection on site simultaneously with the concrete adhesive surface treatment. 11.2.3 在处理混凝土粘合面的同时,尚应由检测机构派员到现场做粘贴质量检验的预布点工作。
2518 11.2.3 When the hoisting equipment is required to be attached to or borne by the structure, consent from the design organization shall be obtained and the structural safety shall be checked. 11.2.3 起重设备需要附着或支承在结构上时,应得到设计单位的同意,并应进行结构安全验算。
2519 11.2.4 Block material, where there is water stain or water on its surface, shall not be used for masonry. 11.2.4 当块材表面存在水渍或明水时,不得用于砌筑。
2520 11.2.4 Evaluation results for green construction of sub-work shall be filed and recorded in relevant departments. 11.2.4 单位工程绿色施工评价结果应在有关部门备案。
2521 11.2.4 For position of the existing wall where counterfort masonry column is added, one layer of brick shall be chipped away every other 300mm along the wall height so as to form a horizontal slot (Figure 11.2.4) . 11.2.4 在原墙体需增设扶壁柱的部位,应沿墙高,每隔300mm凿去一皮砖块,形成水平槽口(图11.2.4)。
2522 11.2.4 Hoisting of the steel structures must be carried out within the rated hoisting capacity of the hoisting equipment. 11.2.4 钢结构吊装作业必须在起重设备的额定起重量范围内进行。
2523 11.2.4 If it is required to drill anchor hole on the steel plate and concrete, the original steel bar position in the concrete shall be firstly ascertained and then avoid it during lineation positioning; if it is difficult to detect and steel bar obstruction has been found during hole drilling, shifting 2d (d is the drilled diameter) for re-drilling is allowable; however, rebar planting adhesive shall be adopted to fill the abandoned hole. 11.2.4 若需在钢板和混凝土上钻制锚栓孔,应先探明混凝土中原钢筋位置,并在画线定位时予以避让。若探测有困难,且已在钻孔过程中遇到钢筋的障碍,允许移位2d (d为钻孔直径)重钻,但应用植筋胶将废孔填实。
2524 11.2.4 Measures like settling and oil removal shall be taken to treat the sewage, which shall not be directly discharged, generated during construction. 11.2.4 应采取沉淀、隔油等措施处理施工过程中产生的污水,不得直接排放。