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2465 11.1.4 Where the strength grade of masonry mortar for winter construction of small concrete block is lower than M10, its mortar strength grade shall be improved by one grade than construction under normal temperature. 11.1.4 当混凝土小砌块冬期施工砌筑砂浆强度等级低于 M10时,其砂浆强度等级应比常温施工提高一级。
2466 11.1.5 The construction environment for externally bonded steel plates shall be in accordance with the following requirements: 11.1.5 外粘钢板的施工环境应符合下列要求:
2467 11.1.5 The installation of steel structures shall be carried out in reasonable sequence according to the structure characteristics; and it shall form stable space rigid unit; where necessary, temporary structure or temporary measure shall be added. 11.1.5 钢结构安装应根据结构特点按照合理顺序进行,并应形成稳固的空间刚度单元,必要时应增加临时支承结构或临时措施。
2468 11.1.5 The project department, jointly with employer and supervision organizations shall prepare the improvement measures according to the green construction and the measures shall be carried out by the project department. 11.1.5 项目部会同建设和监理单位应根据绿色施工情况,制定改进措施,由项目部实施改进。
2469 11.1.5 The thickness of substrate for external plate of roof and wall surface shall be not less than0.45mm and that for internal plate no less than 0.35mm. 11.1.5 屋面及墙面外板的基板厚度不应小于0.45mm,屋面及墙面内板的基板厚度不应小于0.35mm。
2470 11.1.5 The time for stirring mortar in winter construction shall be increased by (0.5~1.0) time than that under normal temperature, and effective measures shall be taken to reduce thermal loss in the process of stirring, transportation and storage. 11.1.5 冬期施工搅拌砂浆的时间应比常温期增加 (0.5~1.0)倍,并应采取有效措施减少砂浆在搅拌、运输、存放过程中的热量损失。
2471 11.1.6 Admixture method shall be selected for mortar for winter construction of masonry engineering. 11.1.6 砌筑工程冬期施工用砂浆应选用外加剂法。
2472 11.1.6 During the calibration for the installation of steel structures, influences of factors such as temperature, sunlight and welding deformation on the structural deformation shall be analyzed. 11.1.6 钢结构安装校正时应分析温度、日照和焊接变形等因素对结构变形的影响。
2473 11.1.6 For the processing of strengthening with steel plates (including cutting, flattening, correcting, orifice fabricating and verge processing), the construction process control and construction quality inspection shall meet those specified in the current national standard GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures. 11.1.6 加固用钢板的加工 (包括切割、展平、矫正、制孔和边缘加工等),其施工过程控制和施工质量检验,应符合现行国家标准《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50205的规定。
2474 11.1.6 Roofing shall not serve as the lateral brace of purlin in case of standing seam or buckled connection, while it may serve as lateral brace in case of screw connection. 11.1.6 当采用直立缝锁边连接或扣合式连接时,屋面板不应作为檩条的侧向支撑;当屋面板采用螺钉连接时,屋面板可作为檩条的侧向支撑。