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2455 11.1.3 Frozen mortar shall not be used; it is strictly forbidden to stir the frozen mortar with hot water for reuse; water should not be added into the mortar during masonry. 11.1.3 不得使用已冻结的砂浆,严禁用热水掺入冻结砂浆内重新搅拌使用,且不宜在砌筑时的砂浆内掺水。
2456 11.1.3 The single item debugging of wayside equipment of the testing track shall meet the design requirements and relevant technical requirements. 11.1.3 试车线轨旁设备的单项调试应符合设计和相关技术要求。
2457 11.1.3 Types of the connection between the roofing and purlin may be classified into: standing seam, buckled and screwed. 11.1.3 屋面板与檩条的连接方式可分为直立缝锁边连接型、扣合式连接型、螺钉连接型。
2458 11.1.3 Where counterfort masonry column is added in order to improve the wall stability, its height-thickness ratio may be calculated according to the following formula: 11.1.3 当增设砌体扶壁柱用以提高墙体的稳定性时,其高厚比可按下式计算:
2459 11.1.3 Where the pressure adhesive casting method is adopted to bond steels, anchor bolts shall be adopted to fix the steel plates; during fixation, steel plate washers shall be additional set in order to reserve 2mm clear-passage gap between the steel plate and the existing structure member surface for the purpose of injecting liquid adhesive; and then the construction shall be carried out according to the procedures specified in Chapter 9 of this code. 11.1.3 当采用压力注胶法粘钢时,应采用锚栓固定钢板,固定时,应加设钢垫片,使钢板与原构件表面之间留有约2mm的畅通缝隙,以备压注胶液;然后按本规范第9章规定的程序进行施工。
2460 11.1.4 Before the member hoisting, foreign bodies such as oil stain, ice/snow, silt and dust on the surface shall be removed; and the axis and elevation shall be well marked. 11.1.4 构件吊装前应清除表面上的油污、冰雪、泥沙和灰尘等杂物,并应做好轴线和标高标记。
2461 11.1.4 Material property of the roofing and cladding shall meet the following requirements: 11.1.4 屋面及墙面板的材料性能,应符合下列规定:
2462 11.1.4 The anchor bolts for fixing steel plate shall be chemical anchor bolts rather than expansion anchor bolts. 11.1.4 固定钢板的锚栓,应采用化学锚栓,不得采用膨胀锚栓。
2463 11.1.4 The enterprises shall make a random inspection for the green construction and evaluate the completion of the green construction objective. 11.1.4 企业应进行绿色施工的随机检查,并对绿色施工目标的完成情况进行评估。
2464 11.1.4 Where counterfort masonry column is added to strengthen the compression structure member, its bearing capacity shall meet the requirements of the following formula: 11.1.4 当增设砌体扶壁柱加固受压构件时,其承载力应满足下式的要求: