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2275 |
10.3.1 The characteristic value of impact load caused by elevators may be taken as total weight of elevator’s self-weight and passenger’s weight multiplied by a factor of 4.0~6.0. |
10.3.1 电梯竖向撞击荷载标准值可在电梯总重力荷载的(4~6)倍范围内选取。 |
2276 |
10.3.1 The dominant items shall meet the following requirements: |
10.3.1 主控项目应符合下列规定: |
2277 |
10.3.1 The earthing devices shall be subject to site inspection and shall meet the design requirements and the requirements of the relevant product standards for specifications, type and quality. |
10.3.1 接地装置进场时应进行检查,其型号、规格、质量应符合设计要求及相关产品标准的规定。 |
2278 |
10.3.1 The heating and cooling energy consumption indexes shall be the control tar-gets by performance design method. |
10.3.1 性能化设计应以采暖、空调能耗指标作为节能控制目标。 |
2279 |
10.3.1 The preparation and application of the structural adhesive specially used for dipping and bonding shall be carried out according to those specified in the manufacturer's instruction; low speed blender shall be adopted to intensively mix; the liquid adhesive after mixing shall be uniform in color without bubbles; its initial viscosity shall meet the requirements in Table 4.4.6 of this code; measures to prevent water, oil, dust and other dirt entering shall be taken after the liquid adhesive is injected in to the adhesive container. |
10.3.1 浸渍、粘结专用的结构胶粘剂,其配制和使用应按产品使用说明书的规定进行;拌合应采用低速搅拌机充分搅拌;拌好的胶液色泽应均匀、无气泡;其初黏度应符合本规范表4.4.6的要求;胶液注入盛胶容器后,应采取措施防止水、油、灰尘等杂质混入。 |
2280 |
10.3.1 The quality inspection of filler wall masonry shall also meet the requirements in Articles 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 7.4.1, 7.4.2 and 9.4.3 besides those specified in this chapter. |
10.3.1 填充墙砌体的质量检查,除应符合本章规定外,尚应符合本规范第6.3.1、6.3.2、7.4.1、7.4.2、9.4.3条的规定。 |
2281 |
10.3.2 During filler wall masonry engineering construction, the following dominant items and general items shall be inspected to form inspection records: |
10.3.2 填充墙砌体工程施工中,应对下列主控项目及一般项目进行检查,并应形成检查记录: |
2282 |
10.3.2 General items shall meet the following requirements: |
10.3.2 一般项目应符合下列规定: |
2283 |
10.3.2 Impact load caused by vehicles may be determined in accordance with the following provisions: |
10.3.2 汽车的撞击荷载可按下列规定采用: |
2284 |
10.3.2 Monitoring for excavation shall be carried out according to the design requirements, thus toachieve dynamic design and informational construction. |
10.3.2 基坑开挖应根据设计要求进行监测,实施动态设计和信息化施工。 |